ADSi is now NEMSIS Version 3 Compliant!! !
NEMSIS says they will not be accepting NEMSIS v2 data past the end of The plan is to get v2 customers on v3 in Set up and configuration needs to be done. That should not be done at the end of the year. Earlier the better. V2 data moved to separate database location is ideal. Start fresh with v3 reports. Keep mni data available.
NEMSIS is accepting data for two versions of Version and ADSi has received NEMSIS compliance for specifically version Version was recently released by NEMSIS. ADSi has programmed the changes and is currently in the compliance process for the latest standard compliance expected by November 2015.
New link on EMS Department Demographic screen to send the updated demographic data to NEMSIS. Appears when an Update is done. Gives user quicker method to submit demographic data as soon as it has been updated.
NEMSIS web service error messages only gives the element id. Ex: eVitals.10 Now able to match element names and actual names of the fields. eVitals.10 = Heart Rate Helps the user be able to fix errors more quickly.
EMS Personnel Info Screen (demographic) Emergency Department Information Screen Hospital Information Screen Signature Screen Lab Results Screen Supply Items Used Screen Invasive Airway Management Screen
On the Personnel Module. Data that NEMSIS wants to collect about the EMS personnel. Personnel’s Education, Certifications, etc.
Two sites have different set ups on how they want the NFIRS Mutual Aid section handled. This shows how we can customize these applications for customers. $nfr_require_aid_fields="N”; - aid fields (fdid, st, inc num) required when the user selects any mutual aid type code other than N $nfr_require_aid_fdid="Y"; - if Y, then will set aid fdid as required when aid is 1 – 4 1 MUTUAL AID RECEIVED 2 AUTOMATIC AID RECEIVED 3 MUTUAL AID GIVEN 4 AUTOMATIC AID GIVEN
$ems_mark_all_approved="Y";//MAH 3/5/15, if Y, then when marking the report as approved, it marks all the patients on that report(that are marked as complete) as approved
1) make sure to mark the record as ‘Completed’. 2) Mark the ‘Check for Manual Entry’ checkbox if entering in data that doesn’t need to be calculated
1) make sure to mark the record as ‘Completed’. 2) Mark the ‘Check for Manual Entry’ checkbox if entering in data that doesn’t need to be calculated
$ems_check_vs_on_compl="Y”; if Y, when marked complete, checks for a Vital Signs record being entered. Gives error if no VS record. $ems_check_sit_pi_scr_on_compl="Y";//MAH 4/10/15, if Y, when marked complete, checks for a Scores record being entered if Situation/Primary Impression = ( Allergic Reacion, Hypothermia, Hypothermia, shock, inhalation, bites, Trauma, hemorrhage). $ems_work_rel_req='N';// Michael 4/3/15, Note*** work rel inj IS NOT required in v3. if Y, then work related related injury is required
drop down added for who is posting the message. displays the Name of the Person posting the message on the desktop. end date to quit displaying. end date defaults to 30 days out. Desktop displays the date of when the news was posted.