Behavior and Conservation Marine Turtles
Reproduction Mate in the water Appear to rely on visual cues for species and sex recognition Oviparous
Nesting Behavior A few weeks after mating:
Nesting Behavior Egg pit
Growth and Development Shell protects embryos from desiccation
Growth and Development Sex determined by temperature 3 Types A – most crocs and some lizards B – many turtles C – crocs, lizards and some turtles
Growth and Development Marine Turtles MaleFemale
Growth and Development Caruncle
Migrations Macrogeographic migrations Loggerhead p.html
Migrations Green Turtle Ascension Island
Migrations Navigational Cues Earth’s magnetic field Water-borne Auditory Wind-borne
Conservation Many are threatened and endangered: Loggerhead = Threatened Green = FL and P. coast of Mexico Endangered; all others threatened Hawksbill = Endangered Kemp’s = Endangered Leatherback = Endangered
Conservation Management and Protection Beach habitat protection Lighting ordinances End plastic pollution
TED’s Turtle Excluder Device