UK Conservation Methods L/O: To explore how the UK is trying to conserve its wildlife.
Conservation of many habitats in the UK relies on continued management to conserve or new management to create or enhance habitats. Roles of the government, voluntary organisations and pressure groups.
The role of government organisations in protecting sites of ecological importance and endangered species: Natural England, Countryside Council for Wales or equivalent: SSSI, NNR, MNR, SPA, SAC. DEFRA: Ramsar Sites, agri-environmental schemes.
Designation of a protected area Designation of a protected area restricts the damaging activities which may take place. Many areas have multiple designations to give additional or different types of protection. Two different group of designated areas: UK International
Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSIs) Find an SSSI site in Kent, using this link: Why is your chosen site an SSSI? Describe the habitat and the wildlife found there What is the latest assessment of the condition of the site?
National Nature Reserves Find an NNR site in Kent, using this link: Who are the partner organisations for your chosen reserve? Describe the habitat and what wildlife would we see if we were to visit. Does it have any other designations? Why is it a reserve?
Local Nature Reserves Find an LNR site in Kent, using this link: What type of LNR is it?
Lundy Marine Nature Reserve _name=lundy&C=0&Habitat=0&natural_area =&local_team=0&spotlight_reserve=0&X=&N NR_ID=107http:// _name=lundy&C=0&Habitat=0&natural_area =&local_team=0&spotlight_reserve=0&X=&N NR_ID=107 Where is this MNR? Who are the partner organisations for your chosen reserve? Does it have any other designations? Describe the habitat(s) and what wildlife would we see if we were to visit. Why is it a reserve?
Ramsar sites Choose a site within the UK using this link: orsites/tabid/765/Default.aspx Who are the partner organisations for your chosen reserve? Does it have any other designations? Describe the habitat and what wildlife would we see if we were to visit. Why is it a reserve?
Current EU designations
Special Protection Areas (SPAs) Choose a SPA site within the UK using this link: Who are the partner organisations for your chosen reserve? Does it have any other designations? Describe the habitat and what wildlife would we see if we were to visit. Why is it a reserve?
Special Areas of Conservation (SACs) Choose a SAC site within the UK using this link: ection/SAC_list.asp?Country=E ection/SAC_list.asp?Country=E Who are the partner organisations for your chosen reserve? Does it have any other designations? Describe the habitat and what wildlife would we see if we were to visit. Why is it a reserve?
Environmental Stewardship Scheme: s-funding/es/default.htm Using the booklet at the bottom of the web page, create an A3 poster, aimed at farmers, promoting the features and benefits of the ESS. Are there any management options which you don’t know about? – Find out what they are. Using the resources on the above link, do you think the scheme has been success – provide evidence for your views – 200 words max.
Species Recovery Programme Create a booklet informing the public about the SRP. Why is SRP different? What species are protected by SRP? What partners make contributions to the SRP and how do they benefit?
The role of voluntary organisations and WWF RSPB
WWF Find out in its WHAT WE DO option, listed as ENVIRONMENTAL THREATS -climate change, marine pollution -and transport. What is the WWF doing about them?
RSPB Look at the RSPB powerpoint and note the following: a)What is the RSPB's main aim? b)RESERVES - to what pressures are the RSPB responding when they set up reserves? c)CONSERVATION - what is the red list and how many British bird species are on it? d)RESEARCH - list the research issues with which the RSPB have concern e)SOLUTIONS - list some of the solutions the RSPB propose
Tip!! Quite often a site will have more than one designation, e.g. The Swale is a SPA and SSSI. check other websites listed in this powerpoint. It would be easier to ‘double-up’ a case study for easy revision.