Brain Teasers You must click to advance on this PowerPoint so you have as long as you want for each Teaser! A galleon is ignited on the high seas. All sailors, except for the captain, leave aboard life boats. The captain dives and swims under water for 90 metres. He hears an explosion. When he surfaces, he immediately hears another explosion. The captain rejoins a life boat and is pulled aboard by the sailors. The captain mentions that he heard two explosions. The sailors state that they only heard one explosion. Both captain and sailors are telling the truth. Question: How is this possible?
Answer 1 sound because sound travels more rapidly under water.
Two friends, Denis and Léo wish to communicate by mail. The mailman is dishonest. He steals. Each of the two friends has his own lock and key. They put their mail in a secure box. Question: How can Denis send a letter to Léo without the mailman opening the box?
Answer Denis sends a locked box with his letter to Leo. Leo adds his lock to the box and returns it to Denis. Denis gets the box, removes his lock and returns it to Leo. Leo can now open box safely that has his lock on it.
John has sons. His eldest son is four years older than his second son. The second son is four years older than the youngest son. The youngest son is exactly half the age of the eldest. Question: What are the sons' ages?
Answer 16, 12, 8 years old
A shell is tied to the side of a boat. The shell hangs 3 metres above water level. The water rises 2cm an hour. Question : How much time will it take before water touches the shell? Answer Never – the boat floats on water. Two fathers and two sons each shoot a duck. No one has shot the same duck. Only three ducks have been shot. Question : How is this possible ? Answer Grand-father + his son + his grand-son. A right-handed glove is inverted, inside out. The glove can now be worn on the left hand. Question: Is the material that was touching the palm of the right hand now touching the palm or the top of the left hand? Answer The palm Four men dig a hole in four hours. Question : How long will two men take to dig half a hole?
Answer Half a hole does not exist. A crime has been committed. A life has been taken. The name, address and personal information are known by police. However, this person shall never go to trial or jail. Question: Why?
Answer A suicide Three explorers and three cannibals want to cross a river. Three explorers know how to row a boat. Only one cannibal knows how to row a boat. The boat can only hold two people at one time. If there are more cannibals on either side of the river at any one time, the cannibals will eat the explorers. Question: How do they all manage to cross the river safely?
Answer Explorer and cannibal cross. Explorer returns, rowing cannibal gets in. Explorer gets out. Rowing cannibal comes get an explorer who gets out. Rowing cannibal comes get a cannibal who gets out. Rowing cannibal returns to get explorer; both get out Five couples are on the beach. Catherine, Diane, Peggy, Rochelle and Maureen Roland, Daniel, Luciano, Ronald and Denis. Hints : 1- Luciano's wife is building a sand castle with Rochelle's husband. 2- Catherine is playing Frisbee with her husband Daniel. 3- Roland et Diane are reading a book. 4- Ronald et Peggy are dinking lemonade. 5- Diane is not Ronald's wife. Question: Who is Roland's wife?
Answer Diane
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