The Inert Doublet Model A new archetype of wimp dark matter Michel Tytgat Université Libre de Bruxelles Brussels, Belgium TAUP2007, Sendai, Japan Based on L. Lopez Honorez, J. Oliver & E. Nezri hep-ph/ JCAP 0702:028,2007 Thomas Hambye arXiv:
The Inert Doublet Model What is it good for? Dark matters Results B
The Inert Doublet Model What is it good for? Dark matters Results B
The Minimal Inert Doublet Model All SM fields are even (e.g. no H 2 /quark couplings) 2 symmetry Stable Higgs (the shiggs) Standard Model with 2 Higgs doublets Vacuum and
The Inert Doublet Model What is it good for? Dark matters Results B
+ + H0H0 May push M higgs up to 600 GeV 0 Electroweak Symmetry Breaking I W,Z
Electroweak Symmetry Breaking II h V(h) V 1-loop (h) h h H2H2 Large effects from top quark Need large quartic couplings for M h > 115 GeV
L f L H 2 N R + h.c. NRNR - N R Under 2 νννν NRNR NRNR M ν = λ 5 f 2 v2v2 16 π 2 M NR ~ Standard See Saw M NR 4 π / λ 5 M NR Radiative See Saw lower scale M NR
The Inert Doublet Model What is it good for? Dark matters Results B
The Weakly Interacting Massive Particle (WIMP) paradigm
Electroweak interactions Higgs interactions co-annihilationslarge cross-section Unitarity limit on the mass of H 0 (Griest & Kamionkowski)
The Inert Doublet Model What is it good for? Dark matters Results B
Systematic analysis & direction detection & galactic fluxes
Coannihilation effects
LHC signatures p p W* H + H 0 (A 0 ) p p Z* or γ* H 0 A 0 A 0 H 0 Z* dilepton + missing energy H + H0 (or A 0 ) W*
Archetype or Perfect Example Weakly interacting massive particle Simple model (few parameters, physics transparent) Potentially interesting signatures
The Inert Doublet Model What is it good for? Dark matters Results B
There many dark matter candidates and even more baryogenesis scenarii yet They do not explain why DM interactions (from weak, to superweak, to gravitational) Between eV and GeV CP violation, non-equilibrium dynamics, B violation QCD dynamics
L f L H 2 N R + h.c. NRNR H2H2 L NRNR H2H2 L and CP violating, out-of-equilibrium decay may produce N L – N L c = A ≠ 0andN H2 – N H2 c = - A Dark matter asymmetry