Geographical Indications in Croatia, National Conference, Zagreb, 6 April 2011 Rules of the workshop Be punctual Respect for all participants and their contribution Everybody shall have equal opportunity to express his/her point of view; Be concise and limit the length of your intervention Switch off the phone or put them on silence and make calls during breaks
Geographical Indications in Croatia, National Conference, Zagreb, 6 April 2011 Exercise 1:Critical issues in application analysis 1.Everybody stand. People gather in pair with somebody you do not work with and if possible you do not know 2.Based on your experience and knowledge, speak about critical aspects of GI application analysis and the role you had in this context. For people who never were involved in an application analysis, imagine difficulties that can appear in applications analysis. Each person speaks to the other 2 minutes.
Geographical Indications in Croatia, National Conference, Zagreb, 6 April 2011 Exercise 2: Critical issues in application analysis 1.Each pair pairs with another one to form group of 4 2.Each group identifies Strength (S) and Weaknesses (W) of the current system in Croatia and possible solutions for each identified weakness. 3.The group writes the: S on the blue papers W on the pink papers Solutions on the green papers The group has 20 minutes for this task
Geographical Indications in Croatia, National Conference, Zagreb, 6 April 2011 Role Play: Change of the Rye Bread of the Valais code of practice 1.Each group: 45 minutes to develop arguments according to specific group- related objectives and constraints (see cards) 2.1 spokesperson per group 3.In the afternoon: Discussion among the different groups (45 minutes)
Geographical Indications in Croatia, National Conference, Zagreb, 6 April 2011 Exercise 3: Establishment of a work plan for the implementation of an inventory of origin- linked products 1.Form groups of 5-7 people 2.Select a geographic area to be covered by the inventory 3.Clarify first the following point: What are the scope and the stakes of the planned inventory?
Geographical Indications in Croatia, National Conference, Zagreb, 6 April 2011 Exercise 3: Establishment of a work plan for the implementation of an inventory of origin- linked products Once the scope of the inventory is clear answer to the following points 1.Which terms of reference for the completion of the inventory? 2.Who can be the promoter? 3.Who could be the manager in charge of the realization of the inventory? 4.Who are the stakeholders? 5.Who are the competent persons to be involved? 6.List the different steps Each group has 60 minutes for this task
Geographical Indications in Croatia, National Conference, Zagreb, 6 April 2011 Exercise 4: Use of the web tool for identification and evaluation of potential development impact of origin-linked products Form group of 5-7 people Go to the computers made available Identify together an origin-linked product known by all members of the group Use the web tool