Gender Analysis of Census Data In EGYPT By Tamy Abdel Hady The Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics CAPMAS
3 The Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics CAPMAS Contents: Population Censuses Background Analysis of the 2006 Census The Analytical Gender gap Recommendations
3 The Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics CAPMAS Population Censuses Background Egypt had a very long history of census-taking. Some sources indicate counts in Egypt dating back to 3340 BC. The first regular census in Egypt had been carried out in 1882, with a count of 6.7 million; since then, 13 population censuses were conducted. In 2006, the thirteenth census in the Egyptian census series revealed that the Egypt's population hit 76.5 million inside and outside the country. The Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics (CAPMAS) is currently responsible for conducting population and housing censuses
4 The Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics CAPMAS Analysis of the 2006 Census Since 1976 census, the Population Studies and Research Center (PSRC) in the Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics (CAPMAS) evaluates and analyzes census data. An analytical paper based on the 2006 census was prepared with a gender perspective. The paper encompasses demographic and socio-economic characteristics by gender at the national level. The papers have largely analyzed the existing gender data gaps, Such as: Socio-economic characteristics of females headed household Development of women status in education and work
5 The Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics CAPMAS The Analytical Gender gap The analysis of situation of Egyptian women from census data 2006, to reach the estimate of the size of the gender gap between women and men in Egypt in order to draw the attention of policy makers to the importance of reducing the gender gap between male and female to strengthen its role in the development process. Egypt passed through along run on the road of women empowerment and Education and women's participation in the labor market are the main ways to women empowerment.
6 The Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics CAPMAS The Analytical Gender gap Gender Gap in the educational levels in ( )
7 The Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics CAPMAS The Analytical Gender gap Gender gap in education for population (10 years+) by place of residence
8 The Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics CAPMAS The Analytical Gender gap Age group Gender gap FemaleMaleGender gap FemaleMale Total No. Percentage distribution of illiterate population by age and gender gap (1996, 2006)
9 The Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics CAPMAS The Analytical Gender gap RuralUrbanItem Gender gap FemaleMaleGender gap FemaleMale Never been in school Ever enrolled and drop out Total No. percentage distribution of population (6-18 years) who are not enrolled in education by place of residence and gender gap
10 The Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics CAPMAS The Analytical Gender gap Labor force (15years+) according to employment status, and gender gap (1996 – 2006)
11 The Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics CAPMAS The Analytical Gender gap Percentage distribution of labor force (15years+) according to occupation and gender Occupation Gender gap FemaleMaleGender gap FemaleMale Legislators, senior officials and manager Professionals Technical Clerks Service workers Agricultural workers Craft workers Machine operators Unknown
11 The Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics CAPMAS The Analytical Gender gap Percentage distribution of working population (15 years+) according to economic activity and gender gap Economic activity Gender gapFemaleMaleGender gapFemaleMale Agriculture Mining Manufacturing Electricity & gas Construction Sales Restaurants Transport Financial Services
12 The Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics CAPMAS The Analytical Gender gap Unemployment rates by place of residence and gender gap ( ) place of residence Gender gap FemaleMaleGender gap FemaleMale Urban Rural
13 The Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics CAPMAS Recommendations Reconstruction of the educational system of pre- university and university education with the purpose of satisfying labor market needs. Empowerment of women through increasing their opportunities in education and labor market in order to increase their participation in the development process. Plan and implement training programs for women to increase their abilities To run small projects, as well as providing funds. Plan and implement a comprehensive strategy to face unemployment problem. This strategy should identify the roles of government, private sector, and non governmental.
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