Japan’s ODA for Promoting Trade and Investment in Bangladesh Japan Bangladesh Business Forum September 8, 2005 KIYA Masahiko Counselor for Development Cooperation and Economic Affairs, Embassy of Japan
Outline Japan’s Country Assistance Program for Bangladesh Sector Policy for Private Sector Development Private Sector Development Support Project (PSDSP) Looking Ahead
Japan’s Country Assistance Program for Bangladesh Bangladesh and Japan Realizing poverty reduction and growth Building a foundation for cooperation in the international arena Strengthening ties as a trade and investment destination Basic Principles Ownership (PRSP), Partnership (Joint Strategy), Gender and the environment
Priority Goals and Sectors Economic Growth Private sector development (incl. ICT, Tourism) Transport Power Agriculture and rural development Social Development with Human Security Education Health Environment (incl. Arsenic Mitigation) Disaster Management Governance (central, sector and local levels)
Sector Policy for Private Sector Development Improvement of trade and investment environment Private Sector Development Support Project (PSDSP) Support for economic infrastructure Power, Transport, Water, Telecommunications Support for human resource development of private companies AOTS training schemes
Private Sector Development Support Project (PSDSP) Partners GoB DPs - World Bank Group (WB, SEDF, FIAS), DFID, EC, CIDA, Japan, ADB, BEI Framework Regulatory reform Economic zones Capacity building
Looking Ahead PRSP Implementation PRSP Implementation Forum and beyond Joint Strategy and Japan’s CAP Sector-specific collaboration PSDSP and Japan’s Contribution Project design and beyond Concrete actions Forthcoming
For Further Information… Embassy of Japan JICA JBIC JETRO