Bangladesh By: Maddie, Sam, and Megan
Background 75% of Bangladesh is less than 10m above sea level Located on Ganges Delta 80% is flood plain Heavy rain common 800 rivers run through the country
History Massive floods common Flood of caused by tropical cyclone - Over 1 Million people died The flood of ,000 km 2 of land, (60% of the area) - lasted 15 to 20 days
History Continued The flood of flooding covered 2/3 of country for 9 months - 2,000 drowned and 30 million left homeless - destroyed a ¼ of all the crops, thousands starved The flood of tropical cyclone that killed 1 million people and left 10’s of millions homeless
Why Care? Millions die from drowning, starvation, and water borne illness Mass migrations of refugees Destroys crops and livestock
Future Issues IPCC predicts rises in sea level will permanently flood 11% of Bangladesh As climate warms, stronger storms are predicted Population estimated to grow from 147 million in 2008 to 215 Million by 2050
Solutions Preserve forests in Water Shed Preserve and restore wetlands Use floodplains for recharging aquifers Sustainable agriculture and forestry
Solutions Continued Straighten and deepen streams (channelization) Build Levies and flood walls along streams Build dams