Genetically Modified Organisms
What are genetically modified organisms (GMO, GMF, Frankenfoods)? Also known as transgenic Crop plants created for human or animal consumption using the latest molecular biology techniques. Create plants with the exact desired trait very rapidly and with great accuracy.
Advantages of GMOs Pest resistance Herbicide tolerance Disease resistance Cold tolerance Drought/Salinity tolerance Nutrition Pharmaceuticals Phytoremediation (clean up heavy metals in soils – gm poplar trees)
What are some of the criticisms of GMO foods? Environmental Hazards a.Unintended harm to other organisms – Monarch butterflies and milkweed/corn pollen b.Reduced effectiveness of pesticides c.Gene transfer to non-target species Human Health Risks a.Allergies b.Unknown/Unintended health effects Economic Concerns a.Expense and time bring GMO plants to market b.Patents and control by agrichemical companies
How are GMO/GMF/Transgenic Foods Labeled? Agribusiness firms believe labeling should be voluntary – They say, “Let the markets decide!” Consumer groups say labeling should be mandatory – They say, “I want to know what I am eating!” FDA’s current position grounded in the Food, Drug and Cosmetics Act… GRAS Generally Recognized As Safe What do you think about this?
Growth of GE Crops
GMO Cartoons to Interpret
Grocery Store Wars