Contents Overview of GSBPM Overview of GAMSO Questions Background / structure Uses Overview of GAMSO Questions
What is the GSBPM? Generic Statistical Business Process Model It shows the different steps needed to produce official statistics It provides standard terminology to help statistical organisations Modernise statistical production processes Share methods and components
Generic Statistical Business Process Model Background Defining and mapping business processes in statistical organisations started at least 10 years ago “Statistical value chain” X “Survey life-cycle” X “Statistical process cycle” X “Business process model” X Generic Statistical Business Process Model
Who created the GSBPM? The Conference of European Statisticians Steering Group on Statistical Metadata Part of the Common Metadata Framework
How was it created? Based on the business process model developed by Statistics New Zealand Added phases for: Archive (inspired by Statistics Canada) Evaluate (Australia and others) Three rounds of comments Terminology and descriptions made more generic
Result: GSBPM Version 4.0 Released April 2009
Updating the GSBPM By 2013 many organisations had adopted GSBPM – and given feedback Related new models and standards had been developed Agreement that GSBPM needed to be “refreshed” to maintain relevance
Changes between v4 and v5 Policy of minimum change Only if wide agreement and good business case Removed Phase 8 (Archive) Archiving happens throughout processes Improved documentation Less survey-focused Links to newer standards e.g. GSIM More detail where requested by users 10
Result: GSBPM Version 5.0 Released December 2013 Modernization of official stattistics is about the re-design of statistical business processes along which data are collected, processed and disseminated. In order to do so, a common framework is needed to identify and describe each individual process. GSBPM offers such framework, describing each step in the production process from the beginning (needs specification) to the end (evaluation and archiving). Applicable to all domains of statistics, and providing a common language to describe statistical production processes. GSBPM is a flexible tool to compare and harmonize production processes within and across NSIs. As such, it facilitates collaboration and sharing of tools among NSIs. Many participants will be familiar with the GSBPM, developed by the CES and published in 2009. The GSBPM provides a framework of standard terminology to describe and define the set of business processes needed to produce official statistics. It is intended to apply to all activities undertaken by producers of statistics at both national and int. levels, which results in outputs. It is designed to be independent of the data sources, so it can be used for the description and qality assesment of processes based on surveys, censuses, administartive records, and other non-statistical or mixed sources. Developed by UNECE. GSBPM model structured into nine phases (level 1) and their sub-processes (level 2) with a description of activities taking place under each sub-process. A review is taking place during 2013 which may result in a new version in late 2013 or early 2014.
Why do we need the GSBPM? To define and describe statistical processes in a coherent way To compare and benchmark processes within and between organisations To make better decisions on production systems and organisation of resources For example; Ireland put price on each box to see the cost , compare with other organisations It is about efficiency, compare the different processes Could use for example to compare the production of population data or Rand D statistics. 12
Process-oriented approach Statistical production has traditionally been organised by topic, e.g. transport, trade, … Financial pressures are encouraging new ways of thinking Some statistical organisations are moving towards a process-based approach Others are considering a matrix approach
What will this mean for resources? What does this mean for our Resources? A change in the effort required for some of the GSBPM activities Less effort on collect and process activities More time and effort focussed on higher value analytical work
Applicability (1) All activities undertaken by producers of official statistics which result in data outputs All statistical domains National and international statistical organisations
Applicability (2) Development and maintenance of statistical registers All types of data source: Surveys / censuses Administrative sources / register-based statistics Mixed sources “Big Data”
Structure of the Model (1) Process Phases Sub-processes (Descriptions)
Structure of the Model (2) National implementations may need additional levels Over-arching processes Quality management Metadata management Statistical framework management Statistical programme management ........ (others – see paper)
Not a linear model Key features Sub-processes are not followed in a strict order It is a matrix, through which there are many possible paths
The GSBPM is used by more than 50 statistical organisations worldwide
KSBPM – Republic of Korea
Beyond statistics: Data archives Generic Longitudinal Business Process Model Developed by the Data archives community. Adjusted our model We link to this community through the Data Documentation Initiative (DDI)
Uses of the GSBPM Managing statistical programmes Cost / resource allocation Documenting statistical processes Framework for quality assessment Sharing statistical software 28
What is the GAMSO? Generic Activity Model for Statistical Organisations It extends and complements the GSBPM by adding other activities needed to support statistical production
Background In the GSBPM, activities not directly part of statistical production are referred to as over-arching processes, and are listed, but not elaborated in detail There have been several calls to expand the GSBPM to better cover these activities. The GAMSO was developed to meet these needs
Level 1 of the GAMSO
Who created the GAMSO? The business activity model developed by the Statistical Network provides the basis for over 70% of the content of GAMSO. The Modernisation Committee on Standards further developed GAMSO, taking account of comments from a public consultation GAMSO v1.0 was approved by HLG in March 2015. In 2014, the members of the Statistical Network were the national statistical organisations in Australia, Canada, Italy, New Zealand, Norway, Sweden and the United Kingdom. Feedback was received from Australia, Canada, Czech Republic, Italy, Mexico, Norway, Poland, Russia, Sweden, Turkey, Eurostat and OECD. Members of the GAMSO revision group were: Jenny Linnerud (Norway), Eva Holm (Sweden), Daniel Gillman (USA), Juan Munoz (Mexico), Klas Blomqvist (Sweden), Luca.Gramaglia (Eurostat) and Jean-Marc Museux (Eurostat) HLG – High Level Group for the Modernisation of Statistical Production and Services
Production The Production activities in GAMSO are those included in the GSBPM version 5.0 GAMSO is, by construction, fully consistent with GSBPM v5
Strategy and leadership
Corporate support
Capability management Capability - an ability that an organisation, person, or system possesses Capabilities typically require a combination of organisation, people, processes, and technology to achieve The Open Group Architecture Framework (TOGAF) defines a capability as "An ability that an organisation, person, or system possesses. Capabilities are typically expressed in general and high-level terms and typically require a combination of organisation, people, processes, and technology to achieve."
Uses of GAMSO Resource planning Measuring costs Assessing readiness to implement different aspects of modernisation Supporting risk management systems Implementing enterprise architecture Measuring and communicating the value of statistical modernisation activities
What next for GAMSO? Statistical organisations starting to use it Collect feedback Review in early 2016 Revision (if needed!)
Maintaining GSBPM & GAMSO Owner = High-Level Group Maintenance is delegated to the Modernisation Committee on Standards Discussion forums to gather feedback Importance of stability over time Reviews every 5 years Revisions only if really needed
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