QMS for small BUS 1 ACTIVITY REPORT IDEC SA 11/ /2010
QMS for small BUS 2 Activities previewed in the proposal Participation in 5 partner meetings National survey for needs analysis (desk research, questionnaires) Write a national report for the training needs Compile a common report for needs analysis Translation of the website into Greek Update the Guidebook in English Translation of the Guidebook into Greek
QMS for small BUS 3 Activities previewed in the proposal Update 2 case studies (KAZUAL, MAGAPOR) in english Translate the case studies into Greek Dissemination activities (as described in the dissemination report)
QMS for small BUS 4 Extra tasks done after the last meeting Updating the brochure with new information in English as well as in Greek language Developing a new chapter of the guidebook (around 5 pages in Greek and in English) Creating 2 new case studies for the e-learning platform (5-8 pages, in English and in Greek) Translation of the Trainer's Handbook into Greek Evaluation of pilot training (evaluation plan, evaluation of the questionnaires, pilot visits)
QMS for small BUS 5 Extra tasks still to be done Translation of 8 case studies (written by all partners) to Greek Translate a video Analyse the filled in questionnaires and compile a report Test tbe CD Disseminate the final product
QMS for small BUS 6 THANK YOU!!!