Using what you have discovered over the last 10 weeks, individually reflect on the relationship between applied technologies and a social issue, and how this could affect your future direction in the field. This could be copyright, ecological sustainability. Labour/ human rights, economic inequality or any subject which you feel important in emerging digital manufacturing. Using this research, design and make an object which could change attitudes or behaviours. This could be within the industry or among the general public. You will also need to submit any supporting digital files and renders that demonstrate your investigation of 3D modelling and additive manufacturing. All approaches are permissible and you are encouraged to be as experimental as possible with the digital processes you use. Try and push the boundaries of digital production.
Stress and Anxiety Issue In a survey covering Great Britain, 1 in 6 adults had experienced some form of stress or anxiety problem.
Light and Colour reflect to our mood.
PLA Poly(lactic acid) or polylactide is a biodegradable thermoplastic aliphatic polyester derived from renewable resources, such as corn starch (in the United States) tapioca roots chips or starch (mostly in Asia) sugarcane (in the rest of the world).
LED lights will save you around 80% of electrical power than usual bulb. They contain no hazardous solids, liquids or gases Because they produce a cold light, LEDs can be ideal for plant growth. LEDs have no UV light, eradicating the possibility of skin. LEDs have a thick epoxy which makes them incredibly durable and pretty much impossible to break. They are silent and produce no annoying and distracting humming noises. They can last up to 50,000 hours. They are recyclable.
Cylinder because it is a very neutral and calm shape. White because can adapt light colour better but is not necessary
Who is going to buy this product? Where it would be sold? Mass production? Material? Price of this product?
More Materials and More Patterns Autonomous light in every part Suitable for Ceiling Kids version according to fairy tails Outdoor version
Wifi Bulbs and PoWF
Memphis (Totemism)