Alumnos ESO 2º A y 3º B IES RUTA DE LA PLATA Calamonte
Get Along With The Others Respect People Make friends Be tolerant
Look After The Enviroment Plant trees and help them grow Use Rubbish bins Keep your School clean
Offer Help Share with others Work in teams Cooperate with your classmaters and family
Choose Healthy Habits Get enough sleep Exercice regularly Bring fruits for the break
Coexist With Animals And Plants Look after animals and plants Be careful with fires!! Know your school animals and plantas
Use And Consume Responsibly Reduce Use ecological products Recycle Don´t consume what you don´t need
Save Energy Take advantage of solar light Make Use public transport Switch off lights you don´t use
Get Rid Of Noises Reduce the noise Listen the sounds of nature Avoid shouting in class or break
Save Water Close the tap and don´t waste water Repair Water leaks Reuse Water