Christmas Celebrations Around the World Lesson For Kindergarten level By Martha Compean
Mexico Germany Russia Italy Focus on Mexico
Focus For Lesson Country of Mexico-making the poinsettia and its history
Book The Legend of the Poinsettia by Tomie de Paola
Music site christmas/christmas_music.htmhttp:// christmas/christmas_music.htm This site may be used to play Christmas music While the students are working on their project
The purpose of the lesson is for students to understand the traditions and customs of Christmas celebrations throughout different areas in the world The students will make a craft representing the country they study The students will rotate classes to learn about new country Lessons will take approximately 45 minutes Student will take creations home to share what they have learned
Read story of Legend of the Poinsettia to Class Discuss reading Demonstrate how the flower will be made Number steps needed Fold paper Draw lines where cutting will be made Make sure students fold paper correctly Cut flower out Unfold Place on paper plate Add leaves
Materials red and yellow construction paper scissors glue hole punch Instructions Follow instructions per website listed below
Final product should like this, Remember it is being made by Five year old hands