1 Assessment Comprehensive Analysis of IBM i Security
2 In-depth analysis of IBM i security strengths and weaknesses Pinpoints specific issues & areas requiring attention Summary and detailed reports produced, grading each aspect of server security Detailed explanations provided for each item in report Provides instant benefit to companies by suggesting “best practices” recommended values Assessment Features
3 Objectives Set “baseline” for corporate security policies Check compliance with external regulations & baseline corporate security policy Prioritize security efforts Identify security issues before they occur Deliverables User-friendly HTML report covering network access, system auditing, user management, terminal access, password policy, etc. Assessment recommendations based upon security best practices Sample questions answered Who is using FTP (file transfer) to download files? Which application files are being transmitted via the network? Which system value settings are not in accordance with our site’s policies? How many of our users have non-secure passwords? Which user profiles are not being used and should be disabled? Assessment Objectives & Deliverables
4 Security Assessment Application
5 Security Assessment Report
6 Security Scores and Recommendations
7 Detailed Analysis and Recommendations
8 Analysis of Users Classes
9 Analyzing Users by Privilege
10 User Profiles as security threats
11 Please visit us at Thank You!