Buddhist Art and Artifact exhibition
This establishing shot of the Photostory shows the very a high contrasting shot of the location for the story, the contrast in the shot is created though the use of lighting in the image which also helps to draw the viewers attention inwards in to the finer details of the shot and to think about what may be included in the shots to come. The shot also has a strong sense of symmetry within the image which makes the shot as a whole more aesthetically pleasing to the viewer.
As this point in the Photostory it is obvious that high levels of contrast between light and dark produced through spot lighting is the main focus of the images, for example in this shot very little can actually been seen about the figures and there features however from the subject mater used in the shot we can still draw information and put a story to the image with the little information we are given.
In this portrait shot we can clearly see the subject due to the use of a low aperture meaning that the main figure is all that is in focus, we can also see that the figure is making clear eye contact with the camera which gives the viewer a sense of depth to the image and also makes the shot much more personal. As with the theme we are still given a high level of contrast between light and dark though out the image.
This gesture shot captures the moment when two figures are in the middle of conversation and when they are also most venerable. This shot also captures the two figures facial expressions and also the viewer to make there own decisions on what is happening in the conversation and how each of the figures may be reacting. This shot also has much less lighting affects and as of such appears much more natural which helps to emphasis the naturalness of the convocation at hand.
For me this is a perfect closure shot where a single figure is caught in thought, this is a closure shot for me because it sums up what the entire Photostory is about; people learning and understanding new items that they are surrounded by. I really like the use of aperture in this shot to help make the figure the main focal point and how a contrast between light and dark has still been used to help add detail to the lighter areas of the image.