Storyrobe Country Projects 3 rd Grade
Storyrobe Tutorial: Backgrounds Whenever there is just typing, the Storyrobe Tutorial will have the white background with the kids holding the Earth. The Earth background is appropriate for elementary students. They like different colors and designs.
Storyrobe Tutorial: Backgrounds When screen shots from Storyrobe are used, the screen shots will take up the whole slide. This way the students can see the details better
Storyrobe Tutorial: Colors The colors of the Earth picture in PowerPoint are colorful but not distractive. They provide a cheerful learning background. The background of the slides is white for easy readability. The blue Font color is kid friendly and shows up against the white background.
Storyrobe Tutorial: Font Type Verdana was used. Verdana is a good, friendly and fun Font type for young students. Word Art was used to delineate the different sections of the tutorial.
Storyrobe Tutorial: Other Special Features Red arrows are used through out the tutorial to show the students where to click The arrows are red and thick to contrast against the dark Storyrobe backgrounds Some call outs are used to draw attention to information and features.
Storyrobe Tutorial: Deployment Storyrobe Tutorial will first be made in PowerPoint. The tutorial will then be exported to Photo Story. Photo Story will be used to record my voice and to make the PowerPoint into a video tutorial. The video will then be posted on the school web site.
Storyrobe Tutorial: Best Practices of Design Fun theme Eye catching colors Kid friendly font Clear screen shots Bold, red arrows to direct students’ attention
Word Art was used to mark the different sections.
Storyrobe Storyrobe is an iPad app. You can use Internet pictures and voice recordings to create digital stories. You will be creating digital stories with Storyrobe and your country research notes.