Scientific Gateway for Academic Grid Malaysia Group Name: ZenFone Munirah binti Kassim Ana Farhanah binti Omar Siti Syahirah binti Safaruddin Mohammad Aidzuddin bin Daud
INTRODUCTION The Academic Grid Malaysia Scientific Gateway is a catch-all science gateway portal as the "medium" to access the Academic Grid Malaysia infrastructure. It is not specifically developed for a specific science application by the portal. The gateway portal is able to host various science applications and increase the adorption of the DCI technology between research communities in Malaysia. The main Science Gateway(s) operated by NVG Scientific in Malaysia use(s) the Malaysia National Grid Infrastructure (Academic Grid Malaysia) to complete the works. Open access DCI gives chances to the user communities to run their current applications all the more rapidly, proficiently and to make new applications without putting in extra hardware and software resources. In 2011, Academic Grid Malaysia joins the Asia-Pacific Policy and Management Authority (APPMA) under Malaysia Identity Federation and Management (MyIFAM) Certification Authority and recognized in The MyIFAM CA is operated by Infocomm Development Centre at Universiti Putra Malaysia.
HISTORY / BACKGROUND In Malaysia, the National Grid Initiative/Infrastructure (NGI) is called Academic Grid Malaysia. It is an open access distributed computing infrastructure to any Malaysian Academia from institutions and organizations that are perceived by respective ministries to be involved in. Currently there are 5 resource contributors which are MY ‐ UPM ‐ BIRUNI ‐ 01, MY ‐ UM ‐ CRYSTAL, MY ‐ UTM ‐ GRID, MY ‐ UUM ‐ GRID, MY ‐ NM ‐ GRID In order to access and manage applications and data collections on distributed resources, Science Gateway provides user interface and high level services. The new gateway has additional generic and meta-data management facilities to access and manage (biomedical) data servers, provide an integrated and data centric user interaction.
SCI-BUS is supported by the EU FP7 Capacities Programme under contract n°RI Nova Global (NVG) Scientific Sdn Bhd is the Subcontractor of the SCI- BUS project. The aim of SCI-BUS project is to create a generic-purpose gateway technology as a tool set to provide seamless access to major computing, data and networking infrastructures and services in Europe including clusters, supercomputers, grids, desktop grids, academic and commercial clouds. Main objectives of SCI-BUS are : SCI-BUS Project Create generates-purpose gateway technology Customize methodology and elaborate an application-scientific gateway building technology. Establish production of gateway services for both National Grid Infrastructure (NGI) horizontal user communities and vertical user communities Provide seamless access to major computing Provide gateway and application development support.
The SCI-BUS Infrastructure
Target User for Scientific Gateway Academic Grid Malaysia I. Computational Chemistry & Biology Life Science focused on Southeast Asian countries which more researchers from this community are moving towards computer science. II. Engineering Users’ bunch from Engineering domain generally have sufficient abilities in running their simulation/application in High Performance Computing. III. Multimedia Creative industry (Multimedia) is one of the sector that are actively supported by some of the Southeast Asian countries’ government such as Malaysia.
Science Gateway Features 1.High performance computation resources 2.Workflow tools 3.General or domain-specific analytic and visualization software 4.Collaborative interfaces 5.Job submission tools 6.Education models
PROCESS OF DEVELOPING Two ways of developing customize science gateways at various levels of granularity: 1)Built from scratch. 2)Adapting and customizes an existing gateway framework. The members of an e-science community for adapting and customizes an existing gateway framework. I. Science Gateway Framework Developers Develop generic science gateway framework SCI-BUS project II. Science Gateway Instance Developers Develop application domain specific science gateway instance SCI-BUS project III. Application Developers Develop applications Publish the completed applications for end-users IV. End – users Execute the published applications with custom input parameters by creating application instances using the published application templates.
Generic – purpose gateway framework Workflow-oriented portal framework Supports the development and execution of workflow-based applications Enables the multi-cloud and multi-DCI execution of any workflow Supports the fast development of scientific gateway instances by a customization technology Provide access to application repositories. Internal repository and external SHIWA repository
Grid User Support Environment (gUSE)