TITLE: Test and Quizzes Page 33 Date: Oct 7/11, 2011 Titles: “Unit Cover for Revolutionary War” Page 32 Colony Label Map Quiz Colony Info Quiz Test Scantron
TITLE: Page 35 Homework: Causes of Rev War- Fill in boxes with 2-3 notes for each cause. You do not have to do Writs of Assistance. Use Ch. 9 in textbook to help you! (p. 37 in NB) Date: Oct 11/12, 2011 Titles: “Ch. 9 Vocab, French and Indian War Notes” Page 34 RAP: “The Albany Congress” NC Book p. 163 Who: What: When: Where: Why: Draw The “Join or Die” Snake as seen in the NC Book WIO: French and Indian War Map. Color map according to land ownership changes and then answer questions. (If you are absent, you will need to come in to get the reading or copy from a friend) WOW: 1)RAP 2)Check HW- “CH. 9 Vocab”-need to show me 3)Completed Unit Tracker for our Colonization test- please complete and return back to me 4)“French and Indian War Notes” – Cornell notes from Ppt (if absent- I have attached notes for you 4) WIO What were the effects of the French and Indian war?
TITLE: Page 37 Homework: Finish preparing for town meeting. Follow rubric given in class for nametag!!! Prepare speaking points for debate Date: Oct 13/14, 2011 Titles: “Causes for Rev War, Patriots/Loyalists Notes, Town Meeting Personality” Page 36 RAP: SOAPSTONE “A Voice from the Past” NC Book p. 172 S O A P S TONE WIO: Describe in your own words what “No Taxation without Representation is” WOW: 1)RAP 2)Check HW- “Causes for Rev War”- make sure you get these right answers 3)“Loyalists/Patriots Notes” 4)Prepare for Town Meeting -I have attached information on how to set up nametag with your personality What are the events and who are the key people that led to Anti-British feelings within the colonies?
TITLE: How does No Taxation without Representation impact arguments prior to the Rev. War? Page 39 Homework: Study for quiz on Causes for Revolutionary Students -Create a 10 question quiz or crossword puzzle with 10 clues to review the Causes of the Rev War Date: Oct 17/18, 2011 Titles: “Nameplate, Town Meeting Rebuttals” Page 38 RAP: NC Book p. 175 #1-3 WIO: What are the issues that Americans have with the government today? (Bulleted List) How do we voice our concerns? WOW: 1)RAP 2)Check HW- “Nameplate” –If absent for debate, PLEASE TURN IN NAMEPLATE FOR A GRADE 3)“Town Meeting Rebuttals”- write the other side’s opinion on 4 topics discussed during town meeting 4)Reflections
TITLE: Were the colonists justified in waging war against the British? Page 41 Homework: CH. 10 Vocabulary. (18 Words) put on page 42 of notebook Date: Oct 19/20, 2011 Titles: “Quiz or Crossword, Rev War DBQ” Page 40 RAP: NC Book p. 179 “Primary Source” WIO: Quick check on DBQ preparedness and understanding WOW: 1)RAP 2)Check HW- ”Quiz or Crossword on Causes for Rev War” 3)Quiz on Causes for Rev War 4)“Rev War DBQ” 1)Put DBQ To-Do list in Reference section. Please come in to get help on how to answer questions after each document
TITLE: What are key differences between each of the Congress’ contributions to the Patriot cause? Page 43 Homework: Rev war Battle chart- highlight key phrases and then draw a symbol for each battle that would help you to understand what happened at that battle. (p. 45 in NB) Date: Oct 19/20, 2011 Titles: “Ch. 10 Vocab, Documents and meetings of Revolution, Grievances” Page 42 RAP: NC Book Answer Document Based Questions on Declaration of Independence? WIO: How did the Halifax Resolves and the Declaration of Independence influence the call for rebellion? Paragraph answer. WOW: 1)RAP 2)Check HW- ”Ch. 10 Vocab” 3)“Documents and Meetings of the Revolution” -Cornell and PPT notes with worksheet. -If absent, I have attached the notes 4)”Grievances”- Look at Dec. of Independence and list at least 5 complaints against the King. Dec. of Independence is pages in NC Book
TITLE: How did military strategies and international relationships impact a colonial victory of the Rev. War? Describe Page 45 Homework: Study for Quiz on Battles, Rev War Period Sheet Date: Oct 25/26, 2011 Titles: “Battle Map, Battle Chart, Rev War Classzone Notes” Page 44 RAP:NC Book Map Skillbuilders p. 198, p. 200 #1-2 WIO:Who Has the Best Chance of Victory? WOW: 1)RAP 2)Check HW- “Battle Chart”- need to show me 3)“Rev War Classzones”- Go to classzone.com and review the Battle Tactics Animation. Write one note per segment 4)“Battle Map” –Use directions provided to fill in battle map. Use Red for British and Blue for Colonial
TITLE: Page 47 Homework: Rev War Review Guide- use notes and textbook to complete odds Date: Oct 27/28, 2011 Titles: “Rev war Period, Legacy of the War” Page 46 RAP:CA- Map skillbuilders p. 217 # 1 a, b, c, and d; #2 a, b WIO:. Treaty of Paris- use textbook to fill in blanks. Then rank the components in order of importance WOW: 1)RAP 2)Check HW- “Rev War Period”-please show me for a grade 3)Battles Quiz- You will need to make this up ASAP if absent 4)Finish Battle Map from last class. Come and get instructions from me to finish map. 5)“Legacy of the War” cornell notes. I have attached notes for you. How did the Rev War impact political, social and economic life in America and in NC?
TITLE: Page 49 Homework: Study for Test, Prepare NB for notebook check, Complete Unit Cover on page 33 of notebook Date: Nov 1/2, 2011 Titles: “Rev war Study Guide, American- Revolution” Page 48 RAP:Quarter 2 Goal Setting Questions-Answer in Ref. Section 1. What were the personal academic goals that you set for yourself at the start of the school year? 2. Are you on track for meeting those goals? Why or why not? 3. What did you find challenging about your first quarter in social studies? 4. What were some positive steps that you took in response to #3? 5. What were your favorite educational activities? 6. What were your least favorite educational activities? 7. List 3 study skills or learning strategies that you found most helpful. 8. List 2 things that you could IMPROVE on going into the 2nd quarter. 9. Overall, how do you feel about your first quarter in 8th grade? 10. After reflecting on the above questions, write at least 3 personal academic goals for your 2nd quarter. WIO:. Unit Cover-p. 33 Timeline of 10 facts and 5 pictures WOW: 1)RAP 2)Check HW- “Rev War Study Guide”-make sure and check your answers for all questions 3)Review Essential Questions from Unit 4)“America- The Story of Us- REVOLUTION” Video Guide- I have given you an answer key 5)Unit Cover/Castle Learning Reminder What student skills have helped me to understand concepts from this unit?
TITLE: Test and Quizzes Page 51 Date: Nov 3/4, 2011 Titles: “Unit Cover for Constitutional Period” Page 50 Causes of Rev War Quiz Rev War Battles Quiz Test Scantron WIO: Unit Extension Activity