Why choose History Option History interests me. I like to discover about people and life in the past. the past. It gives me important life skills. It teaches me how politics works. It makes me more historically conscious.
1. The Junior College History can be taken at Intermediate or Advanced level.
2. The Higher Secondary Studied at: OrdinaryIntermediateAdvancedlevel
3. The University Take up a BA degree in: History Education International Relations Mediterranean Studies
5. Bighi Restoration Centre One can specialise in a course about the restoration of works of art.
6. The Museums Department One can specialize in archaeology with the museums department. Studies in history is indispensable for a career in archaeology.
Seek employment with one of the many Heritage Malta historical centres.
8. International Tourism Studies History can offer opportunities for employment in the tourist sector, such as hotel receptionist or as a licensed tourist guide.
9. Teacher of History Following a BA degree in history one can teach history at secondary level.
10. Journalism and the Media History is valuable if one aims to follow a career in the media or as a journalist. History is valuable if one aims to follow a career in the media or as a journalist.
11. Local Councils For a career in public administration and local councils.
12. The MEPA A section in MEPA aims at the conservation of buildings and sites having a historical or cultural value.
13. Legal and Notarial Studies History is an asset when studying to become a lawyer or a notary because it gives training in research skills.
14. Diplomatic Studies History is indispensable for studies in international relations, diplomacy and foreign affairs.