Tae-Joon Kim Jong yun Jun OAEP Reconsidered Tae-Joon Kim Jong yun Jun 2010. 2. 25 1
Introduction RSA-OAEP is industry-wide standard for public key encryption (PKCS) OAEP is secure? This paper claims that OAEP may insecure in certain environments OAEP+
Contents Introduction Attack Scenario OAEP OAEP Insecurity OAEP+ Conclusion
Chosen Ciphertext Attack (CCA) CCA1 : Lunchtime attack CCA2 : Adaptive Chosen Ciphertext Attack Decryption Oracle Analysis C0, C1 , …, Cn P0, P1 , …, Pn Decryption Oracle Ci, Ci+1 , … Pi, Pi+1 , … Analysis
Attack Scenario Stage1 Stage2 Key generator → public key, private key Adv. chooses ciphertexts, y Decryption oracle gives plaintexts using private key
Attack Scenario Stage3 Random Selection x0, x1 xb Encryption Oracle y*
Attack Scenario Stage4 Stage5 Adversary’s advantage Adv. continues to submit y to decryption oracle y ≠ y* Stage5 Adv. outputs b’ ∈ {0, 1} Adversary’s advantage | Pr[b’=b] – ½ |
Malleability Malleable if it is possible for an adversary to transform a ciphertext into another ciphertext which decrypts to a related plaintext Security against adaptive chosen ciphertext attacks (CCA2) is equivalent to non-malleability Indistinguishable (IND) IND-CCA2
OAEP (Optimal Asymmetric Encryption Padding) Encrypt message into Make two functions Key generation Run the one-way trapdoor permutation scheme Obtain public key f and private key g
OAEP Encryption
OAEP Decryption
OAEP Insecurity Suppose we can invert f Except the permutation, OAEP is XOR-malleable y* y x x* Decryption Oracle
OAEP Insecurity In attack scenario, Adversary’s advantage = 1/2 Choose two messages with Transform y* into y (∵malleability) Submit y to decryption oracle to obtain x It definitely different to y* x equals to x0 or x1, and choose other one Adversary always find correct answer Adversary’s advantage = 1/2
OAEP Insecurity OAEP may insecure under IND-CCA2 RSA-OAEP XOR-malleable permutation RSA-OAEP Adapt RSA permutation to OAEP Secure under IND-CCA2
OAEP+ Advanced version of OAEP Use another hash rather than padding 0’s As efficiency as OAEP Secure on IND-CCA2
Conclusion OAEP is not always secure on IND-CCA2 RSA-OAEP/OAEP+ are secure on IND-CCA2 Malleability Attack on relationship between ciphertexts Introduce methodology of ‘secure’
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