2001 Population 283,17349,138,831 Population Structure - Age % of Population 15 and under to to to to to and over Country of Birth (UV08) % of Population Born in Europe (Including UK) Born in Europe: United Kingdom Born in Europe: Other Western Europe Born in Europe: Eastern Europe Born in Africa Born in Asia Born in North America Born in: South America Born in Oceania Born Elsewhere Number of Households 122,326 21,262,825 Type of Dwelling % of Households House or Bungalow: Detached House or Bungalow: Semi-detached House or Bungalow: Terraced Flat, Maisonette or Apartment Caravan or Other Mobile or Temporary Structure Shared Dwelling Household Type % of Households Married couple household with dependent child(ren) Married couple household with no dependent child(ren) Cohabiting couple household with dependent child(ren) Cohabiting couple household with no dependent child(ren) Lone parent household with dependent child(ren) Lone parent household with no dependent child(ren) One person household Multi person household: All student Multi person household: All other Approximated Social Grade % all persons aged 16< AB: Higher and intermediate managerial / administrative / professional 22 C1: Supervisory, clerical, junior managerial / administrative / professional 2930 C2: Skilled manual workers 1815 D: Semi-skilled and unskilled manual workers 1617 E: On state benefit, unemployed, lowest grade workers 1516 Industry of Employment % of persons of working age A. Agriculture, hunting and forestry B. Fishing C. Mining and quarrying D. Manufacturing E. Electricity, gas and water supply F. Construction G. Wholesale and retail trade, repairs H. Hotels and restaurants I. Transport, storage and communications J. Financial intermediation K. Real estate, renting and business activities L. Public administration and defence, social security M. Education N. Health and social work O. Other community, social and personal service activities P. Private households with employed persons Q. Extra-territorial organisations and bodies Car and Van Ownership % of Households No car or van car or van 44 2 cars or vans cars or vans 65 4 or more cars or vans 21 Distance Travelled to Work % of persons in employment Works mainly at or from home Less than 2km km to less than 5km km to less than 10km km to less than 20km km to less than 30km km to less than 40km km to less than 60km km and over No fixed place of work Working outside the UK Working at offshore installation Census Data Shropshire - A National Context All data from 2001 Census – Population Household Employment Travel and Transport
Shropshire - A National Context Land UseShropshireEngland Domestic buildings Non domestic buildings Road Domestic gardens Greenspace Water Physical environment: Land use, January 2005 Office of National Statistics
2001 Census Data – Radbrook Green All data from 2001 Census – Population: 1,631Number of Households: 721 Radbrook GreenShropshire
Often, many of the people who live in this sort of postcode will be young couples living in flats and terraces. These are known as type 24 in the ACORN classification and 1.15% of the UK's population live in this type. school age or older. Property is mostly small terraced houses and purpose built flats, usually with one or two bedrooms. Some are privately rented but many are being bought on a first mortage. Levels of mortgage protection insurance are particularly high with this type. There are higher than average levels of qualifications at GCSE and A-level, and degree qualifications are in line with the national average. Most women in this type work full time. Employment is predominantly in lower managerial and professional occupations, as well as in clerical, supervisory and some retail jobs. These tend to be one car households, often a company car in the £5,000 to £10,000 range. Household income is likely to be in the £20,000 to £40,000 range and regular savings plans and ISAs are common. The Internet is used for buying insurance and other financial products, as well as shopping for books, CDs and clothes. Leisure interests include the cinema, pubs, eating out as well as sports (football and golf) and exercise. High levels of ownership of DVD players and subscription to cable TV and cable telephony are also common. Neighbourhood Profile Source: Neighbourhoods fitting this profile are found in large numbers in Outer London (Hillingdon, Sutton) as well in towns like Milton Keynes, Basildon, Colchester, Watford and Falkirk. These individuals are mainly in their late 20s and early 30s. They are mostly singles and couples just starting out. Some of the couples have childen under five, but there are relatively few children of Maps 1930 and 2010 Source: where’s the path Radbrook Green
2001 Census Data – Condover All data from 2001 Census – Population: 420Number of Households: 153 CondoverShropshire
Often, many of the people who live in this sort of postcode will be older affluent professionals. These are known as type 5 in the ACORN classification and 1.85% of the UK's population live in this type. large detached houses and most have paid off their mortgage. Households are typically couples over the age of 45. They will often have children who have left home. They are a highly qualified type and those that are working tend to be high earners in professional and managerial jobs. However, 26% of these people have now retired and are very comfortably off. Given the nature of where they live and their affluence, car ownership is high. The majority of households have at least two cars, and the main car is usually expensive and bought as new. These people are financially astute and have the highest uptake of ISAs. They also invest in stocks and shares, high interest accounts and guaranteed income bonds. Their monthly credit card spend is relatively high. In their leisure time they enjoy golf, hill walking and gardening. Their social life tends to be home based, where they enjoy having a glass of wine rather than going out to restaurants. They like to spend their money on holidays. They travel abroad regularly, either to the Mediterranean or long haul for their main holiday. They also take winter sun and weekend breaks. Many are happy to research and book their holidays online. Indeed the Internet is used by many to make purchases of books and CDs and to research and monitor their financial investments. These are avid Daily and Sunday Telegraph readers, with readership levels for these journals at twice the national average. Condover Neighbourhood Profile Source: Geographically, neighbourhoods fitting this profile are found in Hampshire (New Forest), Dorset (Christchurch), Nottinghamshire (Rushcliffe), the Isle of Wight and Ceredigion in Wales. These people typically live in villages within commuting distance of major towns, or more rural villages where they choose to retire. They live in Maps 1930 and 2010 Source: where’s the path
2001 Census Data – Acton Burnell All data from 2001 Census – Population: 448Number of Households: 79 Acton BurnellShropshire
Often, many of the people who live in this sort of postcode will be living in farming communities. These are known as type 6 in the ACORN classification and 1.7% of the UK's population live in this type. Whilst their household incomes are modest, they live in large detached houses and farms. They need access to cars given their location, and owning more than two cars is the norm. They do not have a great deal of spare money for financial investments, but will invest modest amounts in a broad range of products. They are also happy to use credit cards, but are not high spenders. Nearly one in five people are agricultural workers, and as might be expected with agricultural employment, for many their working day is very long. Nearly 30% work 49+ hours per week. Their spare time is limited, but they are interested in wildlife and the environment and enjoy hobbies such as gardening and hiking. They do not go out socially very often and they appear to rely on the telephone for social contact as well as business, as their bills are very high. Again, given the year-round demands of the agricultural business, these people do not go on many holidays and will often just fit in trips within the UK and Ireland. They rely on TV and radio for news, but when they do read papers they tend to prefer the Daily and Sunday Telegraph. Acton Burnell Neighbourhood Profile Source: These communities are found in some of the most rural areas of Britain, where the economy is underpinned by agriculture. There is a strong presence of farming communities in the Scottish Islands, Shropshire, Cumbria and the South West of England. People tend to be between 45 and 65, with older children, many of whom have left home. Maps 1930 and 2010 Source: where’s the path