Unicellular Organisms
Lets Start With Cells Anyone remember what cells are? How about all those organelles that they have? …maybe we should review
The Mighty Cell These tiny, microscopic things are pretty complex They need to be able to carry out all the life processes that we do, but on a microscopic level!
The Mighty Cell Cells have specialized parts that carry out life functions in the same way that our organs do for us We call them…organelles!
Its similar to our brain Regulates and controls all of the happenings inside of the cell Contains the DNA
The goo: Cytoplasm This is the goo that everything is suspended in If things need to get transported, it goes through the cytoplasm (Similar to our blood)
The Barrier; Cell Membrane Keeps the insides in and the outsides out Similar function as our skin
The Structure; Cell wall
The Food Factory; Chloroplast Not all cells have this Uses energy from the sun and CO 2 to make food! How awesome would it be if we had chloroplasts in our skin?...Think about it…
The Packaging System: Endoplasmic Reticulum Can create proteins and gets them all ready to go where they need to be Surrounds the nucleus
The Assembly Worker: Ribosomes They make proteins Proteins are essential for all life, with out them we wouldn’t be here…
The Power House; Mitochondria Converts food into ENERGY!! ‘The Mighty Mitochondria’ Kind of the opposite of the chloroplast
The Storage: Vacuole Acts as a storage place. Can store food or other materials
The Post Office; Golgi Apparatus Packages and labels materials for shipment
The Stomach; Lysosome Contains Digestive juices that will break down food
Ok, now that we know about cells… Lets talk about some single celled organisms!! Unicellular Organisms BacteriaDinoflagellatesDiatoms
Bacteria Lack a nucleus and other organelles!! OMG THEIR SO SIMPLE! 3 different shapes – Rod, spiral and round Reproduce Rapidly!
Bacteria Are Important Decay Bacteria – Feed on dead things – Recycles nutrients back to the environment – Lots of them found at the bottom of the ocean
Bacteria Are Important Blue-Green (Cyano)Bacteria – Important Producers – Maybe the first photosynthetic organisms EVER! – Can produce Reef-like structures called stromatolites!
Diatoms Float near the surface usually (that’s where the light is after all!) Important marine producers Come in a wide variety of shapes
Diatoms Has a nucleus and other organelles Transparent cell wall lets light in Has 2 frustules that fit together Spines and oil filled vacuoles help keep the diatoms floating near the surface
Dinoflagellates Quite Different! They can MOVE!! – They have 2 flagella that help them do this An eye spot helps them move towards the light Some are also bioluminescentbioluminescent
Microscope Review Scanning (red), focus with big knob Low power (yellow), focus with big knob or small knob High power; SMALL KNOB ONLY!
Stations Groups of 5 will rotate from station to station 1 station is for prepping a slide to look at (pondwater) You will have 4 minutes for each station You will sketch what you see on a sheet resembling this;
DiamtomsDinoflagellates Blue-green bacteriaPond water Critter
Ticket Out; Create a Concept map for the next chapter (5) Include all the major topics and subtopics in the map Homework: – Read the next chapter and take notes – Use connecting words/phrases on your concept map for each connection