Summary of Software and tracking activities Tokusui Workshop December 2015 Akiya Miyamoto KEK
2 2015/12/9Tokusui Workshop 2015 ( reported by K.Kotera and M.Kurata ) ( reported by Li Bo ( reported by C.Calancha
GRID and Core tools ILD MC production for DBD had been made using GRID scripts developed at DESY. After DBD, ILD was moving to use ILCDirac, LC common software tool. ILCDirac server operation have been supported by CERN LCD group ( ~ 100 servers are running ) Post DBD production for Snowmass was made partially using ILCDirac A large ILD MC production using ILDDirac Delayed than initial thought, because the development of software for optimization takes time. The first large scale ILD production with ILCDirac using the DBD software was made in summer 2015 and produced ~50TB tapes of MC data /12/9 Tokusui Workshop 2015 Dirac tutorial, Oct. 2012
ILCDirac has been used for daily study. Japan(KEK) contributes about several %.
Daily performance monitor since August 2015 Among KEK, PNNL, DESY and CERN, transfer ~500MB data between WNs and SEs using dirac-dms-get-file command twice per day and monitor performance stability
from KEKfrom PNNLfrom DESYfrom CERN to KEK to PNNL to DESY to CERN days (9/8-12/7) average transfer speed per ~ 500MB. Average does not exclude erroneous points. So please don’t care about small differences. -Tools are useful to understand the stability of the GRID infrastructure -Helpful to solve configuration errors or operational problems at each sites. -Asymmetry in transfer speeds are seen.
New core software tools For DBD, full detector simulation and realistic reconstruction software were used for DBD and snowmass study. ILD_o1_v05 model as the validated ILD detector model. After DBD, detector optimization study has been lunched, which aims to develop a DD4 based simulation and reconstruction tools. DD4hep (lcgeo) new geometry tool replacing gear. DDG4: Simulation DDRec: reconstruction 2015/12/9 Tokusui Workshop
Core software tools status ILD_o1_v05 geometry has been ported to DDG4 DDRec has been developed Tracking and PFA tools are ported and validation are in progress Your validation helps Better rec. performance w.r.t DBD available Remaining issues: - Make code ready for a large scale production - Define models to be used for optimization. Mile stone: ILD Software Workshop 22-26, Feb. DESY Simulated by DDG4 and reconstructed by DDRec. ( LCWS2015) 2015/12/9 Tokusui Workshop
Event generators Whizard2 provides (Whizard released on Nov. 22 ) QCD NLO Better performance of multi-jet events generation Improved treatment of ttbar threshold lcio output … Validation of Whizard2 in progress Beamstrahung beams option works fine. circe2 ? tauola polarization interface to dd4sim and analysis Other generator issues gg hadrons Bhabha & EW NLO Moving to Pythia8, HEPMC, … ? /12/9 Tokusui Workshop 2015 optimization physics study
Summary A lot of progress in many area of software developments, Tracking, PFA, LCFI, Production tools Sub-detector optimization studies have been made GRID and KEKCC resources have been our indispensable infrastructure Goals of Tokusui program have been met, except ILD optimization Flavor tagging including pair backgrounds New software tools for ILD optimization is getting shape. New round of MC production for ILD optimization is about to start. Computing resource KEKCC will be replaced next summer Stable and up-to-date support of software and operation will be an issue in coming years /12/9 Tokusui Workshop 2015
/12/9Tokusui Workshop 2015 Backup
K.Fujii, May 2015 Tracking status
K.Fujii, May 2015 Tracking status ( Li Bo reported today )