The Atmosphere in Balance
The Development of Earth’s Atmosphere 4.6 billion years ago During it’s formation Earth was bombarded by many meteorites and collisions creating a lot of heat and gases Earth had no oceans it was so hot all of the water was in the atmosphere As Earth cooled it formed the lithosphere
The Development of Earth’s Atmosphere Early Atmosphere 4.0 to 3.3 billion years ago Volcanic activity released gases forming the early atmosphere H2O, CO2, and N2 dominant. SO2 and CH4 also present Cooling of the atmosphere causes precipitation and the development of the oceans By 3.0 billion years ago O2 begins to accumulate.
The Development of Earth’s Atmosphere Oxygen: First: oxygen was probably produced by the splitting of water in the atmosphere Later: the development of blue-green algae created O2 as a byproduct of photosynthesis **As life continued to develop the atmosphere continued to change
The Development of Earth’s Atmosphere Living Atmosphere 3.3 billion years to Present N2:78%, O2: 21%, Argon: 0.9% CO2: 0.036% OtherGases: (CH4, He, H, Kr, Ne) H2O: Varies
Today’s Atmosphere 3.3 billion years to Present N2:78%, O2: 21%, ** Create a vertical bar graph (on the bottom of the front page… next to your percentages) to illustrate the principle gases found in dry air. 3.3 billion years to Present N2:78%, O2: 21%, Argon: 0.9% CO2: 0.036%
The Delicate Balance The recycling of nutrients helps to keep the atmosphere stable Important compounds and elements move between the atmosphere, biosphere, geosphere and hydrosphere keeping the balance These are called biogeochemical cycles Ex. The Carbon/Oxygen Cycle The Carbon Cycle The Nitrogen Cycle
The Delicate Balance The Carbon/Oxygen Cycle (p367) Plants/algae consume CO2 during photosynthesis and make O2 All living things consume O2 during respiration and make CO2 Draw a picture that illustrates this cycle: How could this cycle go out of balance?
The Delicate Balance The Carbon Cycle (p15) Carbon is stored in many ways moving between spheres through different processes Hydrosphere Atmosphere Biosphere Geosphere What do humans do to shift this cycle out of balance? What natural occurrences could shift this cycle out of balance?
The Delicate Balance The Nitrogen Cycle Nitrogen is an important element in protein Atmosphere>>Bacteria>>Plants >> Animals >> Bacteria >> Atmosphere
What do humans do to shift this cycle out of balance? What natural occurrences could shift this cycle out of balance?
The 4 spheres keep the delicate balance