The Cornell Way
CORNELL WAY C Create Format OOrganize Notes RReview/Revise NNote Key Ideas EExchange Ideas LLink Learning LLearning Tool WWritten Feedback AAddress Feedback Your reflection
Create Format Fill in heading and topic Write an Essential Question –Teacher may provide one, if not student should create one…
Organize Notes Notes on the right hand side –Abbreviate when possible –Bullet –Leave spaces Should not be writing questions or summary
Review and Revise Within 24 hours With partner when possible Add extra info/pictures/graphic organizers
Note Key Ideas Chunk within 24 hours Write questions in left hand column
Exchange Ideas Collaborate Share Refine notes
Link Learning Link all info in the summary Summary should contain the following –Intro sentence (response to essential question) –Subsequent sentences – (response to questions written in the left hand column)
Learning Tool Use to study 4 quiz/test ( fold-over method) Use to write questions for tutorials and arrive at answer
Written Feedback Given by teacher tutor and peer
Address Feedback Create goals for growth
Your Reflection Gather all notes on topic Review notes/ questions/ summaries
Scaffolding Note Taking turned into Note Making –Right side mastery (Step 1) –Left side question formulation (Step 2) –Create summary(Step 3) –Note Reflecting