Skeletal System
Axial Skeleton ______ bones
Appendicular Skeleton __________ bones
Bony composition
Endochondral Ossification
Congenital and Hereditary Diseases
Osteogenesis Imperfecta AKA: ____________________ _________ or congenital Serious disease Bone cortex is thin and porous, and trabeculae are thin, delicate and widely separated X-ray demonstrates various fractures in various stages of healing and general decrease in bone mass Often called brittle bone disease Hereditary or congenital Serious disease Bone cortex is thin and porous, and trabeculae are thin, delicate and widely separated X-ray demonstrates various fractures in various stages of healing and general decrease in bone mass
Osteogeneis Imperfecta
Achondroplasia Most common inherited disorder of the skeletal system Results in bone __________ & dwarfism Normal trunk size & shortened extremities Usually no more than _____________ft tall Clinical manifestation: Lumbar lordosis, bowed legs, bulky forehead with hypoplasia, narrowing of foramen magnum causing neural compression Achondroplasia
Osteopetrosis Bones are abnormally _________ and _______ but brittle All bones are affected but most changes occur in long bones of extremities, vertebrae, pelvis and base of skull X-rays demonstrate increase in thickness and density of bony cortex. Increase in the # and size of trabeculae, reduction of the marrow space
Scoliosis ________ curvature of the spine Does not usually become visible until adolescents Affects girl more
Transitional Vertebra Often called Lumbar Ribs Takes on characteristics of both vertebrae on each side of a major division of the spine 1st lumbar may have a rib At C7 there may be a cervical rib
Cervical Ribs & Lumbar Ribs
Anencephaly Congenital abnormality _______ and _____ do not form Results in death shortly after birth Can be diagnosed with __________ before they are born
Inflammatory Diseases
Rheumatoid Arthritis Chronic autoimmune that may fluctuate in severity Overgrowth of the ________ _______ X-ray shows soft tissue swelling & osteoporosis of affected bone. Bone erosion a& decalcification Rheumatoid Arthritis
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Osteoarthritis Most common form of arthritis Articular cartilage _____________ & gradually is worn away exposing underlying bone Ostephytes & ______ _______ are on x-rays Osteoarthritis
Osteomyelitis Infection of the bone & bone marrow Symptoms & signs include fever, heat in the affected area, & dull pain X-rays demonstrate loss of bone calcium and soft tissue swelling Osteomyelitis
Ankylosing Spondylitis Progressive form of arthritis affecting the spine X-ray shows bilateral narrowing & fuzziness of the SI joints Calcification of the bones of the spine with ossification of the vertebral ligaments Ankylosing Spondylitis
Ankylosing Spondylitis
Is an inherited metabolic disorder in which excessive amounts of ______ _______is produced & deposited in the joint and adjacent bone Bone changes include erosion & overhanging edges Gout
Spondylolisthesis Slipping of the body of the vertebra Symptoms are similar to those of a herniated disk
Osteochondroma _____________ bone tumor Affects women more than men Asymptomatic Excessive bone growth Cortex of osteochondroma blends in with normal bone and growth protrudes up & away from nearest joint
Osteosarcoma Most common primary __________ of the skeleton Highly ___________ and most often occurs in the bone marrow X-ray appears as a sunray or sunburst Osteosarcoma
Bone Cyst Idiopathitic disease and is not a true neoplasm Consists of numerous blood filled arterivenous communications Most common treatment is surgical removal Bone Cyst
Bone Cyst
MRI Superior contrast resolution for soft tissue detail Modality of choice for soft tissue tumor Extremely useful in eval of joints MRi detects a larger number of musculoskeletal subtleties with higher resolution imaging Bone marrow imaging is better than nuc med scans for subtle abnormalities
CT Can be performed quickly & noninvasiely Defines extent of fractures and dislocations Superior to MRI for cortical bone and visualization of bony detail Gives better bone detail than plain x-ray Has been largely replaced by MRI for soft tissue
Nuclear Medicine Has advantage over CT & MRI because it can scan the whole body at one time Can show if an injury is old or new Still the standard for examination of metastatic processes because it demonstrates metabolic reaction of bone to the disease process Is more sensitive than comparative radiographic studies