Magma chamber Caldera from previous eruptions New caldera after new eruption – caused by earthquake in magma chamber Series of volcanoes around the caldera, which would collapse once the pressure of the magma chamber falls. 1) Explain the formation of a super volcano using the keywords: magma chamber, caldera, earthquake, pressure, collapse. 2) Compare this to the formation of Mt St Helens
.. Mt St Helens ash fall 800km 1600km Yellowstone eruption Possible ash fall from a Yellowstone super eruption Great plains – the ‘bread basket’ of USA NY LA
To complete your super volcano map add the following possible outcomes: 1)A pyroclastic flow of 100km from the eruption 2)With an easterly blowing wind, an ash fall of at least 1600km 3)Draw an air route from Los Angeles to New York – annotate how air routes are affected by the ash fall. 4)If the great plains are affected, what is the significance of this? Answer at the bottom of your map:
SocialEconomicEnvironmental Air, road and rail networks would be severely disrupted. Buildings would be crushed as 30cm of ash can collapse a roof. 1000’s of people could die, especially close to the eruption. A lot more would die than a normal eruption. Families and friends are caught up in it. Possible collapse of economy worldwide. Shops and other businesses would close. Ash can trigger rainfall, which can cause mudslides known as lahars. Monsoon would fail in Asia, where people rely on rains for crops. Sulphur gas injected into the upper atmosphere can spread around the world, which could lead to global cooling by 20 O C. Water supplies would be contaminated. Crops and animals would be killed. Explain the effects of a super eruption at Yellowstone, Wyoming, USA. Mention the effects felt in the USA and also worldwide.