The Printing Press Johannes's Guttenberg- Invents the printing press. This will allow books and bible to be mass produced
Beginning Christian Humanism- Goal was to Reform the Catholic Church. Desiderius Erasmus: Wrote The Praise of Folly- book which criticized the Catholic Church
Catholic Church Problems issues- Corruption with popes Indulgences- ticket into heaven Bible- only written in Latin Inquisition- trial held by the church to find and try heretics, killed those who didn’t confess
Martin Luther Believed in Justification by faith: people needed strong faith in God to reach heaven. Ninety-five theses- a list of major problems with the Catholic church
Break in the Church Luther was excommunicated (removed from church). Edict of Worms- Church declared that Martin Luther was wrong about his ideas Luther and his followers established Lutheran Churches (protestant)
Peasants Revolt German Peasants revolted against their lords and asked Luther for support. Luther supported the lords (needed money and leadership to convert) Protestant churches spread through the Holy Roman Empire
Peace of Augsburg Agreement formally accepted the division of Christianity in Germany. German states were free to choose Catholicism or Lutheranism