1 1 Chapter 4 Understand the problem and the development of engineering specification.


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Presentation transcript:

1 1 Chapter 4 Understand the problem and the development of engineering specification

4.1 Introduction 介紹朋友的條件 條件 : 要帥 要有車

History of Optical disk 1980 年荷蘭飛利浦公司與日本新力公司共同發表全球第一 片 CD (Compact Disc CD 光碟機 ) CD-ROM 光碟機 --- 儲存量大,不可一世 CD-I 互動光碟機 --- 應用軟體少,提前腰斬 PHOTO CD 光碟機 --- 市場接受度,寥寥可數 VCD 光碟機 --- 儲存應用廣,曾風光一度 DVD 影音光碟機 --- 多功能技術,一枝獨秀 可錄製一次光碟機標準 (CD-R) 可重複讀寫型光碟機標準 (CD-RW) 。 DVD-ROM--- 儲存量更大,前景無限 答案 : 象棋

4 4-2 QFD (Quality Function Deployment)


7 Steps of QFD Step 1: Identify the customs: Who are they Step 2: Determine the customer requirement Step 3: Determine relative importance of the requirements: Who Versus What Step 4: Identify and evaluate the competition: How satisfied is the customer now Step 6: Relate customers’ requirements to engineering specifications: how to measure what? Step 7 Set engineering targets: How much is good enough? Step 8: Identify relationships between engineering requirements: How are the hows dependent on each other?

8 Collection method for customers’ requirement Three ways to collect: Observation, Surveys, Focus group

9 Example questions including in the survey are:


11 The type of Customers’ requirements

4.3 Step 1: Identify the customs: Who are they

4.4 Step 2: Determine the customer requirement 1.Customer requirement 2.Production customer want -Easy to manufacturing 3. Marketing/sales customer wan -Easy to package, transport, is attractive, is suitable to display

4.4.1 the Kano model of customer satisfaction

3.3.2 Collection method for customers’ requirement Three way to collect: Observation, Surveys, Focus group

Step to help the design team develop useful data

Example questions including in the survey are:

4.4.3 The type of Customers’ requirements

Scale 1 to Step 3: Determine relative importance of the requirements: Who Versus What

4.6 Step 4: Identify and evaluate the competition: How satisfied is the customer now

Rate the design on a scale of 1 to 5 1.The product does not meet the requirement at all. 2.The product meets the requirement slightly. 3.The product meets the requirement somewhat. 4.The product meets the requirement mostly. 5.The product meets the requirement completely.

4.7 Step 5: Generate engineering specifications: How will the customers’ requirements be meet?

4.8 Step 6: Relate customers’ requirements to engineering specifications: how to measure what?

4.9 Step 7: Set engineering targets: How much is good enough?

4.10 Step 8: identify relationships between engineering requirements: How are the hows dependent on each other?