The Next Set of Trials Christianity After Jesus
Peter Fisherman turned Apostle Became first Bishop of Rome (Pope) and leader after Jesus left Told by Jesus when he was to be killed he would deny Him 3 times Decided to preach to the Gentiles Given the Priesthood and authority to govern the church Crucified upside down Preached on the day of Pentecost
Constantine During his reign he had Christians fed to the lions and killed While fighting he prayed to the Gods for protection and witnessed a cross in the sky Used an effigy of Christ in battle to scare people off Moved Capital to Constantinople as a symbol of Christianity Forced all of Europe to become Christian Edict of Thessalonica Held the Council of Nicaea to determine Christian belief Trinity Easter Determined what would be in the New Testament
Crusades Pope Urban II King Richard the Lionhearted vs Saladin Win the last of the Crusades after 200 years Christian vs Muslim/Jewish fight
Reformation (Break from Catholic) Martin Luther Starts Reformation with 95 Thesis Believed people are saved by Faith John Calvin Believed that people are saved by Grace Elects Henry VIII Needed a new wife to produce a boy Creates Anglican church to get a divorce
Great Awakening People believed that you just need to worship God your way Jonathan Edwards Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God George Whitefield Itinerant Preacher