Appalachian District Mail Processing Impacted Employee Briefing Functions 0, 1, 3A, 3B March 24-25, 2009
Overview Definition of impacted employees Overview of repositioning strategies (RIF avoidance) ●Limited Competition ●Salary Protection ●Voluntary Early Retirement (VER) ●Discontinued Service Retirement (DSR) Timeline Must be placed by end of timeline (RIF date).
Impacted “Impacted” means your position is no longer authorized in the organization; or, The new number of authorized positions is less than on rolls employees holding that position. During the official timeline, all remain in their current positions. Impact ends as employees are placed, retire, or separate.
Historically…nationwide… Repositioning Tool% Laterals and Promotions87% Salary Protection (request for lower level)4% VER5% Discontinued Service Retirement or Severance4% Total100%
Repositioning strategies will include Limited Area of Consideration (LAC) postings: All applications for promotion to higher level will be submitted through eCareer. eCareer “Candidate Profile” takes the place of PS Form 991, pages 1&2. eCareer “Summary of Accomplishments” is the format for addressing KSAs.
LAC Postings Phase I: all employees within each plant or AMF (separate competitive areas) apply to vacancies within their own plant or AMF. Apr 7 – Apr 22 Post May 11 Select Phase II: All Impacted EAS (regardless of function), located within the geographic boundaries of the district (i.e. all impacted from closing district offices, downsized district offices, Eastern area office employees domiciled in the district, EAS in plants and AMFs) apply to district-wide vacancies in all functions, all facilities. May 19 – June 3 Post June 15 Select
Non Competitive Requests - outside of eCareer ! If interested in applying for same or lower level EAS positions, policy allows EAS applicants to request non-competitive consideration by the Selecting Official. The SO may consider a non-competitive request before, during, or after a vacancy is posted. The non-competitive process is outside of eCareer. Prepare a cover letter to the selecting official (SO) requesting consideration for a non-competitive reassignment (see sample) Create a Candidate Profile in eCareer, print it out, and attach the cover letter to this profile. Send directly to the SO. We highly recommend you also address the KSAs (Summary of Accomplishments) in a Word document and attach it to your letter and profile. If you do not address the KSAs you may be limiting your chances of being interviewed because the SO may not know your qualifications. Remember, this is a request – the decision rests with the SO.
Salary Protection Impacted EAS employees who request reassignment to a lower grade EAS position and are successful are entitled to: 2 years saved grade followed by indefinite saved salary (Special Pay Code H) ●The 2-year clock starts when the Form 50 is effective for the lower level EAS position ●PFP increases are paid based on the saved grade pay range for the first two years ●If salary exceeds the maximum pay range of the new position after two years, will receive saved salary (and PFP increases will be paid as lump sum) ●During the two year saved grade period, may apply non- competitively based on the saved grade level Repositioning Strategy
Voluntary Early Retirement (VER) ●Approved for July 31, 2009 effective date. ●Offer package will also allow May 31 or June 30 dates. ●All PCES, EAS and career craft employees are eligible (except ETs and MPEs) ●By mid-April, VER eligible employees will receive a blue VER offer package in the mail from HRSSC and an estimated annuity statement from Eagan. ●VER decision window April 15 – May 15. ●Irrevocable date May 15. ●HRSSC coordinates counseling and processing of applications and forms. Repositioning Strategy
VER – Voluntary Early Retirement Age and Service An employee must meet one of the following requirements: By July 31, 2009: Be age 50 or older with at least 20 years of creditable service. OR Have at least 25 years of creditable service at any age. VER Effective Date: JULY 31, 2009 COB Annuity is based on years of creditable service; In addition, for CSRS: 2% reduction of annuity for each year under age 55; FERS: no reduction in annuity due to age; For more info: go to
Discontinued Service Retirement (DSR) If an impacted VER eligible EAS chooses not to retire under the VER on the effective date, they may be eligible for a DSR if they remain unplaced at the end of the timeline The age/service criteria (and CSRS penalty) are the same as the VER offer, and it provides an immediate annuity Under federal law, different rules apply to veterans A non-veteran should wait until they receive the Specific RIF notice towards the end of the timeline and then request a DSR through HRSSC if they remain unplaced An employee with RIF veterans’ preference is only eligible if they remain unplaced after the Specific RIF process is implemented by Headquarters, in which they may receive a job placement. If no placement, then they may request a DSR if eligible. The effective date of a DSR is no sooner than the RIF date at the end of the timeline.
Optional Retirement If eligible for optional retirement, contact HRSSC. HRSSC will not initiate contact with you. To print an annuity estimate, go online to Postal Ease and select NARECS. Enter an estimated retirement date. The annuity printout will be mailed to your home within 10 business days.
Severance Pay If an impacted EAS is not eligible for any type of retirement and is separated under a RIF, they are generally entitled to severance pay if eligible. See the Organizational Change Management website for more info. A severance pay calculator is available from the Compensation web page. See Pub 164 for more information.
Pay for Performance – Pay Rules EAS employees who separate prior to September 30, 2009 will not receive a PFP increase or lump sum for FY 09.
Placement It is up to each individual to apply for higher level vacancies through eCareer; Or request noncompetitive consideration for same or lower level positions outside of eCareer. Placement into a craft position is also a possible option. HR will coordinate any required examinations. Note: s aved grade/salary provisions do not apply for an EAS placed into a bargaining position per union contracts.
Detail Assignments Temporary detail assignments do not stop the timeline. A PS Form 50 placing you into a permanent assignment will end the “impacted” status, as of the effective date of the new assignment. If interested in a detail during the timeline, please coordinate with your manager. Continue to actively apply for all available vacancies even if you go on a detail.
EAS Selection Policy All activities up to the RIF date are considered “RIF avoidance.” During RIF avoidance, impacted EAS employees including RIF veterans’ preference eligibles are considered for vacancies under standard EAS selection policies (“best meets” criteria). If impacted employees remain towards the end of the timeline, the RIF process is activated by HQ. Under RIF, special rules apply to employees with RIF veterans’ preference, per federal law.
Relocation Benefits Vacancy announcements posted on eCareer usually state if relocation is not authorized for applicants applying for promotion. See handbook F-15 for detailed information: (Part 3 Travel & Relocation, Nonbargaining Only) If you request non-competitive consideration (outside of eCareer) always discuss relocation with the Selecting Official. The March 6, 2009 memo from VP Controller, HQ states relo benefits will be authorized for qualifying impacted employees taking lateral or downgrade reassignments; benefits are based on the level of the position vacated (not the position accepted.)
Organizational Change Management (OCM) Website Detailed information and resources are available on this website. To access the OCM website from the Blue homepage, click Organization Changes under Employee Resources: RESOURCES !
Support EAS Timeline & Restructuring Process Questions: See Organizational Change website for resources, publications (Pub 164), and FAQs See VERA website for information and FAQs Contacts: Career Counseling & Job Search Guidance: Contact To schedule a private appointment for one-on-one advice regarding employment options in the USPS, other agencies, or the private sector; as well as guidance on the content of your Summary of Accomplishments and interview techniques. eCareer - Start as soon as possible to create your Candidate Profile Contacts ●See the eCareer website for step-by-step guides on searching & applying for EAS vacancies; ●eCareer guidance sessions will be announced – and will cover how to access and navigate the eCareer system Retirement, Benefits, VERA, Separation, Severance Pay Counseling - Contact HR Shared Services Center directly , Option 5 TIPS on contacting HRSSC: Be very specific – for example, if it’s retirement, ask to schedule a retirement counseling session. They will need a tentative retirement date to start the process. Be sure to tell the call center operator that you are an EAS employee impacted under a District restructuring and your job has been eliminated. Then state the question you have or request retirement counseling. EAP Employee Assistance Program: Phone or on-line: Other - see Website Handout for on-line resources.
RIF - Reduction in Force If impacted EAS employees are not placed by the end of the RIF avoidance period: ●RIF procedures will be implemented by HQ in accordance with federal law and USPS policy. ●Special rules apply to employees entitled to RIF veterans’ preference once RIF procedures are activated. ●The “RIF competitive area” is determined by HQ. ●Each Plant, AMF, or District office is a separate “RIF competitive area.” VMF employees are included under the District office. ●Impacted EASs not placed by the RIF date may opt for a 30- day non-duty/non-pay status period to continue a job search. ●Unplaced EASs will be separated on the RIF date or at the end of the nonduty/nonpay period. ●Source: Employee & Labor Relations Manual, Sections 354.2, , 415.
Timeline highlights: Plants RIF Avoidance: March 20 to RIF date LAC Job Postings: Phase I April 7 - Apr 22 Phase II May 19 – June 3 VER Window: April 15 – May 15 VER Effective Dates: May 31, June 30, or July 31 RIF Effective Date: July 31, 2009 Function 1 Review detailed Plant TIMELINE.