Maximizing the Reliability of Electronic Systems Total Protection Solution
2 Power Interruptions The Electronic Power Research Institute (EPRI) estimates that power interruptions (even those as short as one-sixtieth of a second) cost American businesses $50 billion each year.
3 Power Interruptions Power outages are the number one cause of business disruption. Source: Annual Contingency Planning & Management Ernst & Young LLP Business Continuity Benchmark Survey
4 Power Interruptions "Lightning is the most frequent cause of transmission outages and service interruptions in the U.S. Some 30 percent of all power outages are lightning-related, with total costs approaching one billion dollars annually. " Source: Andrew Phillips, Project Manager Electric Power Reasearch Institute (EPRI)
5 Source: Bell Labs Frequency of Disturbances
6 The Leading Cause of Data Loss Power Failure/Surge45.3% Storm Damage9.4% Fire or Explosion8.2% Hardware/Software Error8.2% Flood & Water Damage6.7% Earthquake5.5% Network Outage4.5% Human Error/Sabotage3.2% HVAC Failure2.3% Other6.7% Source: Contingency Planning Research
7 $2.9 to $3.7 $0.9 to $1.9 $2.5 to $4.0 $1.5 to $2.3 $1.1 to $1.3 $2.6 to $4.1 $0.9 to $1.5 $2.3 to $3.4 $0.9 to $1.5 Est. annual cost of “PQ problems” for all business sectors by region Source: Primen (energy marketplace intelligence) The Cost of Power Disturbances to Industrial and Digital Economy Companies Study for EPRI’s Consortium for Electric Infrastructure for a Digital Society (CEIDS) June 29, 2001 Total Across Regions = $15 billion to $24 billion
8 $16.2 to $25.2 $8.1 to $9.5 $17.3 to $27.0 $11.2 to $17.8 $8.1 to $12.5 $18.3 to $28.7 $6.3 to $9.9 $15.4 to $24.3 $6.1 to $9.5 Est. annual cost of “outages” for all business sectors by region Source: Primen (energy marketplace intelligence) The Cost of Power Disturbances to Industrial and Digital Economy Companies Study for EPRI’s Consortium for Electric Infrastructure for a Digital Society (CEIDS) June 29, 2001 Total Across Regions = $104 billion to $164 billion
Let’s Compare Technologies - Power Protection Surge Protection Vs. Power Conditioning
10 ONEAC Brand Power Conditioning – Low Impedance Isolation Transformer
11 AC Branch Circuit Line Neutral Ground Normal Mode Common Mode
12 Onegraph Results
13 Surge Protector V Clamp Power Conditioning 120 V 330 V Voltage Hz 60 Hz
14 Power Line Let-Through Test - Power Conditioning vs. Surge Protector 0.5 s/100 kHz, 6 kV Ringwave ANSI/IEEE C Standard Waveform CM Let-Through = V 100 V/Div, 10s/Div Surge Protector CM Let-Through <0.5 V 100 V/Div, 10s/Div Power Conditioner
15 The Effects of Electrical Overstress Electron microscopy reveals the harmful effects of electrical overstress on delicate computer chips. High-frequency transients often cause degradation of the silicon substrate such as the pitting shown here. Semiconductor chips damaged in this way can run hot, perform unreliably and ultimately fail. Normal Semiconductor Damaged Semiconductor
16 5 Reasons for using a UPS Disaster recovery, it’s not a matter of “if” but “when”. Clean utility power at the point of “connection” is your problem. Short term outages are abundant, over 120 power problems a month Outages are costly, $2,000 to $50,000 per hour Surge suppressors will not address brownouts, blackouts, or high voltage conditions A single outage easily covers the cost of a UPS
17 Average Reduction in Trouble Calls Hardware 83% NTF 43% Program / Reset 70% Network 37% Station 22% Other 74% Total Protection Field Study Results Compiled over 10 years
18 How Can Chloride Help? Tech Support x3 24X7 Chip Peagler - Sales O M Michael Boyle – Application Engineer O