Graduation Requirements Student Name: Graduation Year: CoursesCreditCompleted Fine Arts1 1 English 9A1 English 9B1 English 10A1 English 10B1 English 11A1 English 11B1 Senior English Elective1 1 Intermediate Algebra A1 Intermediate Algebra B1 Geometry A1 Geometry B1 Algebra II1 1 PE 9 or Fitness for Life1 PE 10, Aerobics, Sports Conditioning or Weight Training 1 Health Issues1 Physics 9A1 Physics 9B1 Biology A1 Biology B1 Chemistry1 Earth Science1 Civics A1 Civics B1 US History A1 US History B1 World History/Geography A1 World History/Geography B1 Economics1 Social Studies Elective1 Total Credits Earned in the required courses listed above 33 Elective Credits Earned - Grade 9 Total: Elective Credits Earned - Grade 10 Total: Elective Credits Earned - Grade 11 Total: Elective Credits Earned - Grade 12 Total: Credits Earned in required courses and elective courses Grand Total: Download the credit inventory to notability and begin to track your progress toward graduation. Log in to CAMPUS and view your transcript. Check the completed column for the classes and credits you have successfully earned toward graduation.
Required Courses for Sophomore Year English (pg. 25) English 10 or Honors English 10 Social Studies (pg. 33) U.S. History or AP U.S. History Science (pg. 45) Biology or AP Biology Math (pg. 51) Math sequence: Intermediate Algebra Geometry Algebra II Students can double up in math with Geometry and Algebra II with approval from current math teacher. Health & PE (pg. 41) – – (PE 10, Weight Training, Sports Conditioning, Aerobics)
Required Courses for Junior Year English 11 A & B (pg. 25) AP English Language and Composition A, B, & C can replace English 11 Requirement World History A & B (pg. 33) AP European History can replace World History Requirement Chemistry and Earth Science (pg. 45) (Intro to Chemistry, Chemistry A & B or AP Chemistry A, B, & C) Math (See Chart in Reg. Guide for more information) (pg. 51) Algebra II A & B Pre-Calc. A & B & Trigonometry AP Stats or CIS Calc.
Required Courses for Senior Year English Electives (2 classes) (pg. 25) Choose 2 classes, minimum Advanced students should consider AP English Literature & Composition, or U of MN Intro to Literature & U of MN Writing Social Studies Electives (2 classes) (pg. 33) Economics +1 additional Social Studies class, minimum Advanced students should consider AP Micro, AP Psych or SCSU Global Geography, Science (optional) (pg. 45) 4 year college bound students should consider SCSU College Physics, Advanced Physics A & B, ** Some Science is highly recommended Math (optional) (See Chart for more information) (pg. 51) Pre-Calc. A or College Prep Alg. & Trigonometry Calculus (Intro to Calculus A & B or U of MN Calculus) AP Statistics, Prob. and Stats **Some Math is highly recommended
So many course choices… Agriculture Art Business Education English Family and Consumer Science Mathematics Music Physical Education & Health Science Social Studies Technology Education World Languages
Registration Timeline Registration Overview in RAMP (today) Registration window January 13 th –January 29 th Counselor Availability Conferences-January 21 st Daily Appointments Registration Worksheets due- Feb. 3 rd to RAMP or Academic Support teacher
Resources Registration Webpage - FHS Counseling Office Registration Registration Guide Registration Google site Counselors Teachers