EITI Board Meeting in Dar Es Salam on October 19-20, 2010 Report to Regional Civil Society Constituency on Decisions Taken For presentation at regional meeting in Bishkek, October 29-30, 2010 Dorjdari N. EITI Board Alternate Member
Validation: Countries Compliant Mongolia: was declared ‘compliant’ as of October 19, 2010 Ghana: was declared ‘compliant’ as of October 19, 2010 – Revalidation within 5 years (i.e. by 18 October 2015); – Stakeholders in the process may call for a new validation at any time during that period if they think the process needs reviewing; and – If implementation of the EITI has subsequently fallen below the requirements for Compliance, then the Board reserves the right to require country to undergo a new validation or face delisting from the EITI.
Validation: Countries ‘Close to compliant’ Kyrgyz Republic: was designated ‘close to compliant’ – 6 months to take remedial actions necessary for achieving compliance – a review to be undertaken by the EITI International Secretariat to report back to the Board – if the Secretariat review is requested by 15 January 2011, then the Board will discuss review findings before EITI Global Conference in Paris on March 2-3, 2011 Remedial actions: Reporting templates and the definition of material payments and revenues and related thresholds (Indicator 9) are agreed by MSWG; Take steps to ensure that government disclosures are based on audited accounts to international standards (IATool 13).
Validation: Countries ‘Close to compliant’ Gabon (3 remedial actions) Nigeria (6 remedial actions) Cameroon (4 remedial actions) All three: – 6 months to complete review by the secretariat – If early review, decision to be made before Paris meeting
Validation: Other countries Kazakhstan Niger, Sierra Leone, Peru, Republic of Congo, Mali, Democratic Republic of Congo All: Submitted final validation reports shortly before 9 September 2010 deadline Being reviewed by the Validation Committee and will be submitted to EITI Board; potentially will be discussed at December Board Meeting
Validation: Deadline Requirement Currently: Two year deadline to complete validation after being designated ‘a candidate country’ status New rule: Two years to submit completed (agreed by MSWG) validation report
Candidatures/Outreach Committee to be established the EITI International Secretariat should draft Terms of Reference for a Board Committee to oversee EITI outreach to potential Candidates and to review incoming Candidate applications
EITI Evaluation The Board agreed to engage the consulting firm Scanteam to undertake an evaluation of the EITI. Initial findings of the evaluation will be presented at the Global Conference in Paris. Evaluation will cover: – What are the results of the EITI and what impacts is the EITI having? – Is the EITI “fit for purpose” and does the EITI provide “value for money”?
Candidature Applications Indonesia Togo Both: accepted as Candidate countries as of 19 October 2010 validation report to be submitted by 18 October 2012
EITI Working Groups Reporting, Social and Barter Payments Civil Society Participation Incentivizing Compliant Countries All three: Working groups were established and working on developing recommendations to EITI Board Will continue receive inputs and report to EITI Board before December Board Meeting (last two) or Paris EITI Global Conference
NOMINATION OF BOARD CHAIR EITI Board will nominate Claire Short as the next EITI Board Chairwoman to EITI Members Meeting in Paris Ms Clair Short: Member of Parliament in the UK from 1983 to 2010 and Secretary of State for International Development from 1997 to May In 2003, resigned from the Government over the Iraq war. Since 2006, a member of the Advocacy Panel of Cities Alliance. A member of the Advisory Committee of International Lawyers for Africa and a Trustee of Africa Humanitarian Action. Chairs the International Advisory Board of the Cranfield Masters in Security Sector Management Programme.
Other Decisions The next EITI Board Meeting will take place December 13-14, The location has not been announced yet. EITI International Secretariat Workplan for 2011 was approved. Priorities: Support to implementing countries, EITI Global Conference, Outreach activities 5 th EITI Global Conference will be held in Paris 2-3 March 2011
End of presentation Thank you for your attention!