Proposals for Restructuring EB and Council Council 2007
Proposal 1 Proposal : The Executive Board (EB), the Council and the position of Trustee in their present forms are terminated and replaced by ‘The IFIP Board’. 1 The Board This Board consists of : 1.1 The President 1.2 Four Vice-Presidents elected by GA 1.3 Secretary 1.4 Treasurer 1.5 Eight ‘Councilors’ - 6 elected and two seconded (appointed) onto the Board
The Vice-Presidents 4 VPs elected by the GA VP Portfolios : VP 1 : Member Societies VP 2 : Technical Activities (Chair TA) VP 3 : IFIP Events VP 4 : Finance (Chair FC) For each of these 4 portfolios a job description will exist, and potential candidates will prior to election, have to motivate their suitability for the specific portfolio.
The Councilors 1.TC Representative * Sitting TC Chair * Represents TC Chairs on the Board. * Elected by GA * Reports annually to TA. 2. Member Society (MS) representative * Sitting MS representative * Represents MSs on the Board. * Elected by GA * Report annually to GA (actually the MSs)..
The Councilors 3 and 4 : GA members (national MS representatives or TC Chairs) * Appointed by the Board on nomination by the President. * Term of the specific President 5 to 8 : GA members (national MS representatives or TC Chairs) * Elected by GA * Have responsibility for specific portfolios.
Board Meetings Twice a year in February/March and August/September (Physical) As needed (electronic) Trustees The present system of Trustees is replaced by the concept of Councilors having specific responsibilities Portfolios Marketing Publications Professionalism International and Industry Liaison Quality and Quality Control Developing Countries
Management Committee The President The Vice-Presidents Secretary Treasurer MC meetings Preferably electronic
President Vice-Presidents Secretary Treasurer 8 ‘Councilors’ Management Committee (replaces EB) President Vice-Presidents Secretary Treasurer Board (replaces Council) GA
Statutes, Bylaws and Standing Orders (SB&SO) The President-Elect, Vise-President Strous, Secretary Johnson and TC Chair Max Bramer have offered to prepare a proposal for GA which will address transitional matters as far as SB&SO are concerned.
Proposal 2 IFIP will leverage the concept of electronic/virtual meetings to a much greater extent. Proposal 3 The whole structure of Standing Committees (SCs) will be reviewed, and responsibility for SCs will be divided between VPs and Councilors. Proposal 4 The Structure/Agenda of the Board and GA will be reviewed and restructured