I.C. EQUAL Normative legal framework For the Equality of Opportunities In Spain and Andalucia VIA VERDE PARA LA IGUALDAD
The equality of genre supposes the recognition and equal valuation of women and men, as well as of the tasks and functions that they carry out, without a hierarchy of a sex on the other one, making the full participation possible of both in the different fields and areas of society. This is the recognition of the equality between the genres, as a fundamental part of human rights. Mariagrazia Rossilli Normative legal framework For the equality oportunities in Spain y Andalucía
Normative legal framework For the equality oportunities in Spain y Andalucía Spanish Constitution 1978 Art Freedom and equality The public institutions are responsible to promote the conditions so that the freedom and the equality of the individual and the groups they belong to are real and effective, to remove the obstacles that prevent or impede their development and to facilitate the participation of all the citizens in the political, economic and social life Art. 14. Equality in the law The Spanish are equal in front of the Law, and there won´t be any discrimination because of birth, sex, religion, opinion or any other condition or personal or social circumstance Spain
Normative legal framework For the equality oportunities in Spain y Andalucía Spanish Institute of women 1983 I Equality Opportunities Plan ( ) II EOP ( ) III EOP ( ) IV EOP ( ) I Action Plan against the domestic violence ( ) II Integral Plan against the domestic violence ( ) Spain
Normative legal framework For the equality oportunities in Spain y Andalucía Other programs and laws Letter for the equality of opportunities of womwn in rural area.l – 1995 National Employment Plan (annual) National Plan of Social Inclusion – 1991 Integral Law of support to the family– Law 30/2003 about “Measures to incorporate the valuation of the impact of genre in the dispositions” Organic Law 3/2007 for the effective Equality of women and men. Spain
Normative legal framework For the equality oportunities in Spain y Andalucía Statute of Andalucía 1981 Andalusia Art Principles of freedom, equality and justice for all the Andalusians. Art Andalusia will promote the effetive equality of both Andalusian women and men.
Normative legal framework For the equality oportunities in Spain y Andalucía Andalusian Institute of Women 1988 Andalusia I Andalusian Plan of Equality of opportunities between women and men. ( ) Adjustment to the European regulation. Beginning in the application of positive measures of Action in education, employment and health. Beginning in the application of measures of emergent action addressed to women in situation of higher social disadvantage. Creation of Town Centers of the Woman. Collaboration with the social organizations, of women and trade unions.
Normative legal framework For the equality oportunities in Spain y Andalucía Andalusian Institute of Women 1988 Andalusia II Andalusian Plan of Equality of opportunities between men and women ( ) Higher social sensibility on the situations of inequality because of sex Implementation of the Coeducational system in the state education. Detection of the need to act for the prevention and eradication of the violence against the women. Development of active politics for the orientation and professional insertion of the women. Joint of the Net of services to Family Planning Joint of the Net of Town Centers of Information to the Woman Strengthening of the associative movement of the women.
Normative legal framework For the equality oportunities in Spain y Andalucía Others Pograms in action Andalucía Performance Plan of the Andalusian Government against the violence towards the women for the period Action Programs on education and employment. Information and Advice Services. Campaigns of sensibilization and concienciation. Proposition (not of law) for the conciliation of schedules. Strategic Plan for the Conciliation of the Labour and Family Life. Creation of a Unit of Advice in Equality and Genre