Costa’s Levels of Questioning Review WHY should you care? High level thinking, College preparation, and Metacognition.
Level One Recall and comprehension of factual knowledge. Define, Describe, List, Name, Identify, Recall Reporter Q’s (Who, What, When, Where, Why, How?) What would you ask someone you are meeting for the first time?
Level Two Level 2 questions require level 1 knowledge. You go through level 1 to get to level 2. Read between the lines. Analyze, Explain (Why?), Compare, Sequence, Contrast, Summarize, Group/Classify, Synthesize, Infer. Examples: How were the Roman monarchy and empire alike? (Compare) What does Caesar’s murder suggest about Roman society? (Infer)
Level Three This is “off the page” thinking and questioning that applies the knowledge in new ways. Apply, If…Then, Evaluate, Hypothesize, Imagine, Create an analogy, Judge/Critique, Recommend, Predict/Speculate, Create or Invent/Design Example: Was killing Caesar the right thing to do? Did it help or hurt Rome? (Judge/Evaluate)
Chinese Life and Culture Chapter 4 Section 5
Family and Social Life Well-being of state depends on well-being of the family. Values include reverence for family, respect for age, and acceptance of decisions made by one's superiors. Genealogy- Record of family history Honored ancestors as link between the past present and future.
Family and Social Life Typical upper class family includes father, wife, sons, and unmarried daughters Lived in the same house, under rule of the father, who arranged marriages, chose education, and chose his sons careers. Chinese women had fewer rights than men. Chinese society taught great respect for mothers and mothers in law. After a woman marries she is almost a servant in her husbands family household, but after having children gains more power and respect.
The Economy Chinese towns were growing, but most people lived as small village farmers. Used ox drawn plows irrigation, and flood control systems. Government required peasants to pay taxes, perform labor on canals and roads, and work on other local construction projects. Trade and commerce grew quickly. Qin dynasty reformed the economy by standardizing the currency and the system of weights and measures. Trade further increased in the Han dynasty with the silk road.
Silk Road
Arts and Sciences The education system relied on a small number of texts to train scholars and civil servants. Using the same books emphasized respect for tradition and created a common culture. The Five Classics- the text used for training scholars and civil servants. Author is unknown and they became popular in Zhou Dynasty. Study of these became important along with the analects of Confucius.
Five Classics Book of Poems- 300+ songs about life, joy, love, and politics. Book of History- Speeches and documents on government. Book of Changes- Art of predicting the future. Spring and Autumn Annals- Record of events in Lu from 722 B.C.- 481 B.C. Book of Rites- Deals with manners and ceremonies.
Science and Technology Early Chinese astronomers learned the year is slightly longer than 365 days. 28 B.C astronomers observed sunspots. Built instruments to to track the movements of planets. Invented seismographs that registered even faint earthquakes.
Science and Technology Invented paper that replaced papyrus as the main writing material. Early paper was made from fishing nets, hemp, old rags, and tree bark. Daoists interested in Chemistry, discovered substances for dying cloth and glazing pottery. Medicine developed based on herbs and minerals. Acupuncture- Chinese medical practice of inserting needles into certain areas of the body. Enables life force energy to move properly. Today it is used as an anesthesia and to relieve pain.
Chinese Art Activity Now that you have learned about Ancient China we will practice creating questions based on Chinese Art! Number off 1-5 then get into groups with whom you share numbers. Open the bag and have each group member grab a picture. Based on your picture write a level 1, 2, and 3 question. When everyone is finished share with your group and discuss what you came up with. Then we will discuss as a class.