Confidently sharing the gospel? Findings from the November st Century Evangelicals Survey
Our panel of respondents In August ,242 Christians responded to the latest wave of our panel survey about evangelism. A response rate of 35% overall and around 75% for the people who had taken part in our previous survey. Respondents were 53% Male, 47% Female. 31% Anglican, 30% Charismatic or Independent, 17% Baptist, plus a variety of other denominations.
How People Came to Faith 72% had become a Christian before they were 20 (with women born after 1980 in particular tending to commit at a very early age). 54% had been influenced by growing up in a Christian family or church environment. 43% had been influenced by Christian friends who shared their faith.
Our personal mission field
55% lived in all Christian households, while 40% had at least one non-Christian living with them. 50% said that most or all of their friends were already Christians. But over 60% had non-Christian colleagues or people they shared leisure activities with. 16% did not know whether any of their neighbours were Christians.
Evangelism through personal contacts In the last four months: 75% had become involved in a conversation about some aspect of Christian belief. 60% felt they had missed a chance to speak to someone they knew about God. 59% had shared something of their testimony or explained what their faith means to them personally. 38% had invited someone to an event or activity (other than a church service) which was clearly a form of Christian outreach and 36% had invited someone to a church service.
Evangelism through church
What’s stopping us from sharing the gospel? To at least some extent…
Points for prayer and action … –Faith and fear –The gospel –Finding the words –The workplace –Moving out of the Christian ghetto –How the Church is seen –How the Church shares the good news
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