Formula Europa Institute, Brussels & EURADA Present:
SPEEDING ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT in SEE by Integration & Standardization
Link between Territorial Development (Strategic Planning & Management) and Economic Development (Growth & New jobs) Actors (Certified Economic Developers)
Europe on two speeds? More! Three, and the fourth one is on the way!
Current trend: Life standard in South East European Region is declining, disparities are getting deeper and deeper!
Expected trend: Pressure on economic developed European Regions will increase!
Drivers: Further EU enlargements North African refugee flow Insufficient Government Performance in Economic Development Strategic Planning in SEE EU principals for free movement of people
Slow Economic Development in SEE is NOT a local issue anymore!
How to synchronize the speeds? Slowing down the more developed? Increasing the speed of the less developed?
The right choice: Speeding the Economic Development of SEE and NEW JOBS delivery
Step 1. Integration in SEE Economic Development Strategic Planning Step 2. Building Capacity for SEE Economic Development Strategic Planning Step 3. Standards for Government Performance Step 4. Certification: Regional & Local Systems/individuals Step 5. Attracting Investors Step 6. Delivering new jobs
Step 1. Integration in SEE Economic Development Strategic Planning Building Integrated Vision SEE 2020
Step 2. Building Capacity for SEE Economic Development Strategic Planning Building First Generation Certified Economic Developers in Europe
Step 3. Standards for Government Performance Step 4. Certification: Regional & Local Systems/individuals Building a pan - European System for Planning & Management Capacity Assessment & Certification
Step 5. Attracting Investors Step 6. Delivering new jobs For the last 20 years SEE tries to skip steps 1,2,3 and 4 hopping to get right to steps 5 & 6. This is equal to “Waiting for Godot”
We urge Knowledge Economy Network to take the lead in the process of developing Measures and Standards in Economic Development Government Performance Expected Result: Speeds synchronized
Thank you for your attention! For contacts: Christian Saublens Nadya Gabriel Executive Director Managing Director EURADA Formula Europa Institute Phone: Phone: