5 Oct 2012 Vilnius Contributors: A Agius, B Bertrand, M Charalambous, W Luxenberger, S Steinsvag
Framework of process in drafting document Eligibility for entry into rhinology subspecialisation(EB-ORL exam) Aims of this training Content of training Context in which training is carried out Deadlines for presentation of document 2
Aims Show Breadth and depth of knowledge Competency in managing rhinological emergencies Competency in managing more complex Outpatient/ambulatory cases in rhinology Contribution to European rhinological knowledge This document does not mean to include Allergology as a specialty as other bodies already address this area; however a rhinologist should obtain competency in allergology as related to rhinology 3
Curriculum 1 Core Knowledge :basic science, EPOS 2007, 2012, ARIA guidelines, sleep, knowledge of allergic tests according to logbook Operating skills: as defined by UEMS-ORL logbook, carry out the advanced surgical procedures(only observed/assisted by general ENT trainee)-the rhinologist should have done these to a satisfactory standard as certified by trainer: FESS, DCR, rhinoplasty, medical management(rhinitis), paediatric, craniofacial abnormalities, tumour management-in the last two the rhinologist should be a pivotal part of the multidisciplinary team-both benign and malignant(eg endoscopic pituitary, skull base) 4
Curriculum 2 Textbooks: Since the European Board exam is in English, special consideration to be given to textbooks in English Courses: In the 2 years of subspecialty training, attendance at 3 courses accredited by ERS/European Academy/EUFOS, produce evidence of participation in workshops in allergy/immunology at (at least) 2 European(?US) and 2 national meetings Participation in at least one publication in a peer reviewed journal 5
Context Chapter 6: Trainee Trainer Training institution a fellowship or clinical attachment of at least 3 months in total or in aggregate be spent in other certified institutions 6
Deadlines Draft document out by 1 Nov 2012 and sent to rhinology subcommittee members Further suggestions to be sought as to important knowledge, skills for rhinology/allergology specialty from other professional/university/governmental bodies from other countries: Germany/France/Poland/UK Collation of suggestions by 31 March 2013 Harmonisation of suggestions and final draft document-presentation of this document to UEMS ORL at Geneva October