Visually Impaired Seniors Active learning
RNIB delivered o 5 Programmes o 4 Sheltered housing complexes for older people with sight loss and one care village o one national conference o One train the trainer event Faciliators Perspective
o What worked well The fact that this was a European project The development of a group dynamic The creation of a sense of journey a connection from one session to the next The concept of "good news" and home projects Peer learning and support A sense of "if they can do it so can I" Reflections on facilitating the visal programme
o The design allows for people to unpick barriers they may have to getting involved in their communities and having a voice and to in a way rethink later life.
Podcast - Julia Barrand Ron and Gina
o The conference topics all related to how older people could keep active in their communities. o The participants described how the programme inspired them or motivated them to go out and be more active. o There was power in the group dynamic. o Friendships were formed "Life is on the other side of the door"
o More engagement with what was going on outside the sheltered housing scheme. o Participants are more ready to engage in campaigns - they have asked RNIB campaigns to speak on the national bus campaign. o Staff began to think differently as they saw how individuals made small changes to their lives as confidence grew. o Staff became more aware of the issues that blind and partially sighted people experience. Partner perspectives
o Aging well is increasingly high on the agenda and becoming a public health necessity. o This programme is a brilliant tool in empowering older people to rethink later life, to live consciously and challenge isolation o It also importantly challenges organisations own preconceptions about older people. Final thoughts
o I may have had my day but I still have a say" Ben 94 o I feel I can say no to people and have my own opinion” Sheila 77 Empowerment