April , 2006 HEASARC Users Group Tom McGlynn The HEASARC On-line Services Tom McGlynn
April , 2006 HEASARC Users Group Tom McGlynn Summary On-line services overview New capabilities Browse and the archive Browse demo
April , 2006 HEASARC Users Group Tom McGlynn Web Services: Information tools nH: Galactic hydrogen column X-ray background: ‘Diffuse’ X-ray background Source finder: Is this a known HEA source? Timeline: What did satellites actually do?
April , 2006 HEASARC Users Group Tom McGlynn Web Services: Proposal Tools RPS: Multi-mission proposal software –INTEGRAL, RXTE, Suzaku, XMM Viewing: Who can see where when (Demo) –Chandra, HST, Suzaku, RXTE, Swift, XMM WebSpec: Simulate observed spectra –ASCA, BeppoSAX, Chandra, Con-X, ROSAT, RXTE, Sazuku, Swift, XMM WebPIMMS: Convert counts –ASCA, BeppoSAX, CGRO, Chandra, Con-X, Einstein, INTEGRAL, ROSAT, RXTE, Sazuku, Swift, XEUS, XMM
April , 2006 HEASARC Users Group Tom McGlynn Web Services: Utilities Target/position converters: Find positions of named targets, convert coordinates. Data/Time converter: Convert among time representations and systems. (Demo) Energy converters: Unit conversion FITS validator: Run FVerify on uploaded data
April , 2006 HEASARC Users Group Tom McGlynn Web Services: Miscellaneous AKBAR: Allow users to update tables (used within RPS and for Swift GRB updates) Argus: Follow observations through proposal/observation cycle. XTE Weather Map: What is active in the sky? (Demo) Software download utilities: Find the software tools for your analysis needs. SkyMorph: Look for moving targets in data. Hera, SkyView and VO services discussed later.
April , 2006 HEASARC Users Group Tom McGlynn What’s new AKBAR Argus revised Now a specialized interface to Browse Coordinate list converter Combined date and time converters More missions and such in many tools Revamped RPS GRB name resolver (in development)
April , 2006 HEASARC Users Group Tom McGlynn Browse Primary interface to HEASARC catalogs and archive. Multiple interfaces with varying complexity and power.
April , 2006 HEASARC Users Group Tom McGlynn Top 10 tables :: heasarc_wgacat :: heasarc_rospspc :: heasarc_xmmmaster :: heasarc_chanmaster 7177 :: heasarc_xtemaster 7096 :: heasarc_rospspctotal 7095 :: heasarc_roshri 6389 :: heasarc_xmmssc 6318 :: heasarc_xmmxassist 6016 :: heasarc_m31xmmxray :: heasarc_cvcat :: heasarc_cns :: heasarc_cabscat :: heasarc_hipparcos :: heasarc_globclust :: heasarc_rassdwarf :: heasarc_rassgiant :: heasarc_hbc :: heasarc_atnfpulsar :: heasarc_hmxbcat Jan 2006Feb 2006
April , 2006 HEASARC Users Group Tom McGlynn
Missions ParametersTables X-correlation Simple Index Query Results Query Plot NED/Simbad SkyView... Hera Row Display Links Vizier native queries FITS, VOTable, Excel, Text,... Requery Data PreviewTAR generation TAR of HEASARC data WGET script Serv.sum. Text of plot results Usage flows in Browse HEASARC Archive Files Text of plot results Table Summ. Each blue box represents a distinct age in Browse.
April , 2006 HEASARC Users Group Tom McGlynn What’s new in Browse Swift tables and data Tabbed results (in development, demo) Keyword search interface (demo) –Simple but powerful query interface Enhanced text interface –Retains most capabilities of default HTML table display but is much faster. Filtering of data products –Select only files matching template Special Swift interface Improved internal plotting Links to Hera (demo)
April , 2006 HEASARC Users Group Tom McGlynn Browse (and anything else you would like to see) Demos
April , 2006 HEASARC Users Group Tom McGlynn Tabbed Output Breaks down Browse output into manageable chunks. –Different functions available on different tabs –Missions and tables conveniently organized Shopping cart paradigm for data product retrieval –Users select products associated with each table, then go to retrieval form. Still under development, suggestions very welcome!
April , 2006 HEASARC Users Group Tom McGlynn Keyword Search Interface Google-esque style search: Users enter text describing what they want and Browse tries to find it. Distinguishes times, positions, formats, table selection keywords automatically. Supports search by position, time or any parameter. Allows selection of tables by name, mission, regime,... –Tables selected by matching keywords. Uses JavaScript and AJAX to give users feedback as they are entering information.
April , 2006 HEASARC Users Group Tom McGlynn Possible next steps User defined samples Correlations with large external catalogs (e.g., SDSS, Galex) –Probably using VO protocols Automated notifications for new observations VO access to HEASARC images and spectra...