Community Choice Energy (CCE) In San Mateo County 2016 Program Implementation Plan
San Mateo County CCE Formation Timeline Peninsula Clean Energy proposes an August 2016 Launch Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 January -September 2015 Oct 2015 – February 2016 March – August 2016 Pre-Planning & Due Diligence Community Outreach; PCE Planning & Development Preparing for Launch Internal planning team Initial outreach to cities and key stakeholders Workshops & education Formation of CCE advisory committee CCE technical study complete (go/no-go) PCE Program & JPA design City outreach/Passage of local ordinances Impl. Plan Prepared RFP for Energy Services Plan for JPA staffing/working capital Community outreach First JPA Board meeting Energy supply and other service contracts Utility Service Agmt. Regulatory Registrations Marketing Campaign Call Center & Customer Enrollment
November - February City Ordinances/JPA Resolutions Community Engagement -- ongoing New RFP for public campaign in 2016 JPA Prep: Draft bylaws, filing with the state, prep for initial board meeting (current SMC team to serve as interim staff support) Finalize PCE power offerings and customer phasing plan Begin credit discussions/banker outreach Draft energy services RFP and Implementation Plan Draft data management RFP
March – May 2016 JPA Board seated in March or April 2016 Begin steps to administrative independence – staffing, office, credit, insurance, et al Finalize Implementation Plan, submit to CPUC (90 days) Issue RFPs and negotiate energy services and data mgmt. contracts Public marketing campaign underway
June – August 2016 Finalize banking relationship and credit terms: JPA working capital Loan for first energy contract (will require guarantee) Establish lockbox for payments, et al Finalize JPA staff and key vendor relationships Utility Matters: Utility service agreement, post bond and PGE deposit, Complete Regulatory registrations ~ Mid June -- customer notifications begin (60 days prior) September – First revenues; ongoing enrollment