1 December 10-18 Elementary School ACP Testing. 2 Testing Schedule.


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Presentation transcript:

1 December Elementary School ACP Testing

2 Testing Schedule

3 Lunch Information Include information here if your daily lunch schedule will change due to testing. Be sure to communicate with your cafeteria manager in advance.

Special Education/Small Group Information 4 Fajardo- 6 th ACP testers P143 R. Wright- 7 th ACP testers room 109 O Donnell- 8 th ACP testers room 126 Ballard- Elective ACP testers or as needed Burrows- 6 th non ACP testers library Ballard- 7 th non ACP testers library M. Wright- 8 th non ACP testers library

5 ACP…Just the Facts ACP exams count as 5% of the student’s final grade in grades 3-5. If a student is enrolled in a class or elective that does not have an ACP written for it, they will be tested with teacher-made final exams. Students have 90 minutes to complete test including bubbling answers. Students who do not finish must stop when time is called and turn in what they have completed. ACP scores will be uploaded to Gradespeed and Mydata

6 ACP…Surveys and Concerns Each teacher should complete the ACP feedback survey. Teachers who wish to view the test to complete the survey will need to check out a book to view during campus scheduled viewing time. Teachers will not be allowed to leave the test room with the test. For incorrect test items, complete a “Test Item report Form”

Fueling up Please report to the Testing Center located on the auditorium stage between 7:35 a.m. and 8:20a.m. Failure to pick up test by 8:20 will result in a written reprimand. If an emergency occurs, please let the main office know. If special circumstances will prevent you from picking up test material on time, please speak with test coordinator after the meeting. Sign out your testing materials, and make sure that your test are secure at all times. ACP Books must be accounted for at all times. You must return test materials each day. You must check each book number not just first and last book.

Test administrator Role (check to make sure everyone who is testing has a manual)

Test security Pages 6-8

10 Test Security Teachers of record may not test their own students Teachers may not test students in their grade level Electronic devices (student and teacher) should not be used or visible during testing. Backpacks should be placed at the front of the room (edit to reflect your campus policy) Bulletin boards and instructional displays that may aide the examinee must be covered or removed by the end of school on Dec 8. Each class must have a seating chart that reflects only the students tested in each particular section. Under no circumstances should students be left unattended. Test administrators are not allowed to answer any questions relating to the content of the test. If an examinee/student asks a question that the test administrator is not permitted to answer, the test administrator may respond for example, “I can’t answer that for you; just do the best you can.” The test administrator and school personnel are not allowed to: –Rephrase or add information to questions. –Discuss test questions with anyone before, during, or after testing. –Score test items or discuss with examinees/students how they performed. –Must not erase stray marks in test booklets or answer documents.

11 Reporting Irregularities In the event that an irregularity has occurred (or if you think an irregularity has occurred) contact the test coordinator IMMEDIATELY. Do not wait until testing is over Explain what happened Be prepared to create a written, signed statement of your account and submit to your Test Coordinator, along with any documentation if necessary (for example cheat sheet) Page 8 Ensure students receive the correct language assessment Make sure you bubble the correct language on the teacher header Review small group information And as always ACTIVELY MONITOR Ways to Avoid Irregularities

12 Student Accommodations Include information here for ELL and Sped Page 16

Test materials Pages 20-37

14 Materials Scratch paper may be used but must be collected by the test administrator at the end of each test session. All test books are consumable. K-3 answer sheets are pink 4-5 answer sheets are orange Secondary Reference Tool Guidelines Grades K-5 Dictionary usage is based on STAAR policy. Bilingual dictionaries (no pictures) available to ELL- enrolled students. Calculators not approved for grades K-5, unless documented in student IEP

15 Sample of elementary ACP test booklet covers: This number should match the number on the book cover English ACP test booklet covers: Spanish ACP test booklet covers: If the numbers do not match, contact TC immediately to avoid an irregularity of student being given the wrong assessment

16 Teacher Headers All student answer sheets MUST be submitted with the appropriate teacher header. Place student answer sheets to be scored behind teacher header Answer sheets should be placed in the same direction as the teacher header YOU MUST BUBBLE ENGLISH OR SPANISH FOR LANGUAGE Pages 23-24

Make sure you have an answer sheet for every student… If not pre- slugged, then a blank one. Student Answer Documents Please ensure the following information is coded on blank answer documents –Student Name –Student I.D. (The ID must contain all seven digits) ***All students must bubble in Test Code, Year and Form even if they have a pre-slugged answer sheet. The test code, year, and form can be found on answer sheet and test booklet and is a safeguard for test verification to ensure students have been given the correct test. On Blank answer sheets please write/print test given and class period in the blank area in pencil.(See page 32) Students should complete Test Code, Year, and Form per administrator manual instructions Student oath area. Students should sign here. Pages 25-27

Actively Monitor Student Answer Documents- THE WRONG WAY

19 English Test Administrator Script – pg. 28 Spanish Test Administrator Script – pg. 32 Scripts must be read per verbatim, failure to do so will be an irregularity

20 K-2 Online Information. Each teacher will be reassigned to test and score another grade. All test scores must be entered online By Dec 18, 2015 Only K-2 teachers will transfer students’ answer choices that are marked within their test booklets to an online answer sheet. K-2 teachers will not test or enter the scores of their students of record. Test scores must be entered in a secure, closed environment at the school campuses only. Make careful notes of which students tested with English and Spanish ACP Print and submit class rosters of the current students enrolled in your homeroom to your TC. Ensure that student names, ID number and homerooms are written on the test covers. Track attendance and make note of students who will need to complete a makeup exam. Enter any additional information per training

21 After Testing Checklist  Remove all answer documents from testing booklets. (Please check and recheck!)  Check to ensure that students have bubbled and written test code, year, and form.  Separate completed answer documents and place under appropriate teacher header (sheltered and sped students should be submitted under the appropriate header  ** Make sure all documents are submitted in the same direction with the computer feeder bars lined the same way  Separate answer documents of absent students.  Do not submit any blank answer documents with your scorable material.  Return books in numerical order each day. A number sequence is printed on each test for quality control. Missing books are considered test irregularities and will be reported as such.  PLEASE return ALL materials. (pencils, scans, books in numerical order, roster, bin, etc..)  Please be mindful that each class may finish at a different time. All classes should remain in test mode the entire time.

22 Thank you for your time and attention!!! Please make sure you have signed in and completed and turned in your oath.