AIM OF YATRA To bring Awareness about BALIDAAN YATRA reminding People of the Balidaan of Great Leaders in our Country in Past and Present. Also encouranging the Youth to Participate in another Balidaan and Bring all Like minded Parties come to gether
GOAL OF YATRA 1. to bring Awareness among people 2. to get associated to regional issues and peoples demand 3. to bring like minded people as leaders and volunteers together 4. Collect donation for us
PURPOSE OF YATRA To have presence in Pan India To identify the real issues (not those raised by media and past politicians) To bring all forces in Clean Politics under one roof To develop local offices and work team in each constituency To appear as Mega force To get enough coverage from Media
STATES OF INDIA There are 35 states of india There are almost 550 constituencies There are 10 states that makes total 440 consituencies There are 6 states that add up 67 more constituencies The 10 states have atleast 20 constituencies The 6 states have atleast 10 constitutencies
PATH OF YATRA Start point could be DELHI I would prefer to have a start point from WAGHA BORDER on REPUBLIC DAY and end in DELHI Covering almost 16 states out of 35 states and UT
I have my detail strategies with plan of each place and the action time and time taken to travel and how can we achieve this big a task in shortest possible days.
TIME TABLE OF YATRA DURATION : 85 DAYS COVERING ALMOST ALL THE CONSTITUENCY (90%) STRATEGIES : CENTRAL AND RADIAL RELAY RACE, I call the strategy as “ little boy” Start of date could be any End of date would be just before election due dates
Journey Summary Start of Journey : Wagha Border, Amristsar End of Journey : New Delhi, Delhi Cover : 16 states Travelling from Capital to Capital From Capital, the team would break into small teams of 5-6 core teams with State volunteers and reach to almost constituents ( covering 90%)
DISTANCE TRAVEL There are two distance that would be travelled : central path ( the main core path) and the Radial Path ( the in State path done by the small teams) Central Path : Km State Path : almost 1500 km each state as an average Total distance covered : (1500 x 15 States) = Km
Number of Vehicles The core team ( Central Path team) would need 4 Vehicles ( as there are anticipated 30 core team member travelling) The State Team ( Radial Path Team) would need Vehicles ( as the team would break into fragments of 5-6 group and each group would have average 2 vehicles)
DIESEL REQUIREMENT 4 Vehicles for CORE PATH = X 4 = Vehicles for Radial Path = x 12 = So Total Km travelled = = The Fuel Efficiency of Vehicles would be about 8-10 Km per liter, hence (314000/10) = Litres of Diesel
Cost of transporation We need almost Liters of Diesel Average cost of Diesel is 60 Rupees per liters The total cost of Transportation would be about 18 lacs or 20 lacs The total cost of logistic of 30 core team and the state team would be approximately 20 lac The total cost woud be 40 lacs
Team Core team : comprises of 30 core member E Politics, Media, co ordination Analysis and Strategies designer Public Speaking team Management and co ordination with team in center delhi and within the team State team sould atleast have 150 each ( 5 from each core state team they would have within them the same classification as Main Core team of E politics, Media, analysis and strategiess
The LOGISTICS Other than traveling the team would be living at some standard hotels or tents State team would arrange for Radial expansion and volunteers. Medical team: for any health issues Account team : for billings, invoice and Funds and donation Electrician team and other support staff.
HR Required CORE TEAM : Atleast has to be 30 people MEDICAL TEAM: Atleast 2 doctors LOCAL TEAM: Atleast 150 people in state level LOCAL VOLUNTEERS : Each local team member would bring in 10 volunteers LOCAL SUPPORTERS : Each Volunteers or comrade would bring in supports
CORE TEAM CO ORDINATING TEAM : That co ordinates with core team in DELHI FINANCE TEAM: dealing in donation and expenditure Media Team: would handle media and e politics and facebook and twitters Speaker Team : 6 very effective local language well versed team members Analyst team : would co ordinate with local team and make a local office and survey out the local issues and presentation
LOGISTIC & BOARDING 6-10 buses or open vehicles 16 states to live in and local places where the teams would live Food and lodging Medicine and emergency kits Banner, loud speaker and Literature and materials
FUNCTIONALITY This is the part of strategies and I would discuss after we arrive on consensus and we are working on the common group or team
REPORTING Strict cohesive approach in the team to carry out maximum targets Strict time table to follow Strict action plans to be pre decided by our analyst team Back teams are always available Updating the details to the core team in DELHI for necessary changes and actions. Updating Media of our progress and next action
conclusion Distance : Diesel Required : Liter Amount required : 35 Lacs to 50 Lacs