Bridge Expansion Feasibility Group
Purpose Our group is an independent coalition striving to provide objective information on the expansion of the Ambassador Bridge. Our group is an independent coalition striving to provide objective information on the expansion of the Ambassador Bridge. Our goal is to inform the general public of the facts involved with the project, thereby allowing open, honest debate of the intended bridge construction. Our goal is to inform the general public of the facts involved with the project, thereby allowing open, honest debate of the intended bridge construction.
Group Structure Ryan G. Todd: Background, finance, and political Sheena Sharma: Legal aspects Mike Peres: Environmental and Heritage aspects Chris Lepain: Alternatives, recommendations, conclusion Faisal Rehman: Information tech., technical aspects
Background Ambassador Bridge privately owned by Manuel “Matty” Moroun. Ambassador Bridge privately owned by Manuel “Matty” Moroun. Originally built in Originally built in Busiest commercial crossing in North America, moving nearly $100 billion annually across the border. Busiest commercial crossing in North America, moving nearly $100 billion annually across the border. Heavy traffic flow in late 90’s spurred the need for additional span. Heavy traffic flow in late 90’s spurred the need for additional span. Current traffic flow is reduced, but will eventually grow. Current traffic flow is reduced, but will eventually grow. New, 6-lane span intended to built directly adjacent to existing bridge with dedicated truck traffic intended. New, 6-lane span intended to built directly adjacent to existing bridge with dedicated truck traffic intended. Bridge will cost approximately 1 billion dollars and is privately funded. Bridge will cost approximately 1 billion dollars and is privately funded.
Feasibility Factors Environmental Environmental Heritage Heritage Legal Legal Alternatives Alternatives Political issues Political issues
Michael Peres Advantages Advantages Disadvantages Disadvantages Environmental Factors Environmental Factors
Sheena Sharma Legal Issues Benefits
Christine Lepain Alternatives Alternatives Conclusion Conclusion
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