Eriq Muhammad Adams J | 03 |QA and Testing (1) Eriq Muhammad Adams J |
2 Rules of Game Testing Don’t Panic Unfamiliar Unprepared Under Pressure (schedule, budget, headcount) Unrested Nearsighted Trust No One The publisher, press, public, don’t trust you. More Trust Less Test Less Trust More Test
Advice When Became Tester Know your role on the team based on the responsibilities assigned to you. Execute your tasks aggressively and accurately. Do the most important tests first Do the tests most likely to find defects often. Make emotion-free and objective decisions to the best extent possible.
Game Testing Activities
Playing Games explore some area of the game, check that a specific rule is being enforced, or look for a particular kind of problem.
Identifying Bugs The first is to find defects that are in the game code or design. The second is to demonstrate which parts of the gam e are working properly. Test Status : Passes, Fails, Blocked, Not Available.
Amplifying Problems "amplifying" your defect will narrow it down for the developers, make it m ore likely the defect will be fixed right the first time, and reduce the overall time and cost spent on the problem. amplify the defects to maximize their "fixability."
Notifying The Team you need to record that information and notify the developers about problems. To do : using defect tracking tools, describe, prioritize, pick a type, be helpful.
Testify The Others reproduce the bug and why it is important to fix, your bugs will get more attention.
Verify The Fix expect to help developers reproduce the bug, run experiments for them , and re-test after they think the bug is fixed.
Why is Testing Important ? It's easy for game software to go wrong There are many opportunities for making a mistake Game software is complex People write game software and people make mistakes Software tools are used to produce games and these tools are not perfect There is a lot of money at stake for games to succeed
Why is Testing Important ? (cont.) Games must work on multiple platforms with a variety of configurations and devices People expect more out of every game you make It better work right if you are going to have 100,000 people playing at the same time online and expect them to pay a monthly fee for that privilege
Why is Testing Important ? (cont.) Critics are standing by ready to rate your game in print and on the Internet Games have to be fun, meet expectations, and get released on time
Who Cares ? Testing must be important to game publishers because of all the trouble they go through to staff and fund testers and then organize and manage the rounds of beta testing that precede the official game release.
Defect Typing Function Assignment Checking Timing Build/Package/Merge Algorithm Documentation Interface
Assignment #1 Playing Game and write test cases. Example : Minesweeper