1 Overview of the ANSN e-Library Regional Workshop on ANSN Capacity Building IT Modules 30 June – 1 st July 2011 Bangkok, Thailand Akiko Iwamoto Office of International Programs JNES
2 ANSN e-Library
3 ScrewTurn Wiki Usage User registration Open your TG page Create a new page Edit pages Attach files to pages Create link to files attached to pages
4 User registration 1. Click the Create Account link in the sidebar on the left 2.Input the following data Username: more than 6 letters recommended Display Name: easy for others to guess who it is address used for ANSN activities Password: more than 6 letters recommended Control Text: input the letters and numbers displayed on the page (capital letter or uppercase and small letter or lowercase are distinguished) 3.Click Create Account button 4.Wait for the from the administrator for the user authorization
5 Open your TG page 1. Click the Login link in the most top right corner of the screen 2.Put your username & password and click the Login button 3.Click the TG link in the sidebar on the left 4.Click your TG link in the sidebar on the left
6 Create a new page 1. Make sure you open (one of) your TG page(s) where you belong to 2.Click the Create a new page link in the sidebar on the left 3.Put the Page Title 4.Click the Snippets Icon on the top of the edit area and choose “draft” from the pull-down menu (“draft” is the only item for the time being.) 5.After editing the page, click Preview Tab on the top of the edit area 6.Click the Save button to save the page
7 Edit pages 1. Make sure you open (one of) your TG page(s) where you belong to 2.Click All Pages link in the sidebar on the left 3.Click the Page Title of the page you want to edit 4.When the page is open, click the Edit button in the top right corner of the screen 5.If you click Visual Tab on the top of the edit area, you can edit the page in WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) mode 6.Click Preview Tab to check how the page looks 7.Click the Save button to save the page
8 Attach files to pages 1. Open the page to which you want to attach files 2.Click the Edit button in the top right corner of the screen 3.Click the Browse button in the most bottom of the page and select the file to upload 4.Click the Upload button next to the Browse button
9 Create link to files attached to pages(1/2) 1. Click the Edit button in the top right corner of the screen 2.On the edit area, move the cursor before the words you want to put the link 3.Click Link a local file Icon on the top of the edit area 4.Check the box for Browse Page Attachments in the top of the pop-up window 5.Select the target file 6.On the bottom of the pop-up window, check the box Open link in new window
10 Create link to files attached to pages(2/2) 7.Click the WikiMarkup Tab and manually modify the script created as a result of the above procedure as follows; Before modification: [^{UP(pagename)}filename] hyperlink title After modification: [^{UP(pagename)}filename|hyperlink title] 8. Verify the text by clicking Preview Tab at the top of the edit area 9. Click the Save button to save the page